Thursday, October 31, 2013


One last finish for October. I bought a bib panel a while back & my Mum donated terry towelling for the backs. I couldn't find it anywhere to buy. Luckily Mum still had some stashed away.
The Noah's ark panel is so cute. Later today i hope to be sewing a padded book about a dinosaur & a nappy bag.

Happy Stitching,


Sheila said...

Lovely bibs Jeanette ,this new baby will be well protected.hugsSheila

Bev C said...

Hello Jeanette,

Great bibs, funny how fabric changes, years ago this would have been in every shop. Glad your Mum was able to help out.

Have a great day.

Unknown said...

Lovely bibs Jeanette. I know what you mean about the terry towelling. I ended up using thin hand towels. Sharyn:)

Fiona said...

best dressed baby coming up..

Marilyn said...

Gorgeous fabrics there, Jeanette. Well done on the good supply of bibs.
Hugs xx

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

They are just so cute

Anonymous said...

such a cute variety there Jeanette,lovely gifts for your little grandie bubba.xx

Michelle Ridgway said...

So cute Jeanette. Fancy not being able to get terry towelling....are we showing our age lol. You must be getting very excited about your little person :)

Sue said...

Lovely cute bibs Jeanette. Lucky Mum/baby!

Sisbabestitches said...

Oh these are cute as :) I managed to snaffle some towelling at Spotlight on clearance last year, after not having seen it for ages myself. Glad your Mum had some stock, lol

Noela said...

You have been busy Jeanette. hugs......

Cheryll said...

Your grandies will be well covered! Nice job Nanna-to-be :)

Narelle said...

Looking great! I've never heard of a bib panel but they look lovely :)

Tatkis said...

Wonderful bibs - bright and cute :)


Lazar Oana said...


FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...