Saturday, October 5, 2013

Friday Night With Friends.

Last night i joined in Friday Night With Friends hosted by the lovely Cheryll.
I started this little Christmas decoration stitchery Thursday night & finished it last night & discovered this morning the threads dye had run. Grrr. Looks like i'll be re-stitching this one.
I almost finished this one before bedtime. Just hope it doesn't run when i wash my tracing pen out. Pop on over to Cheryll's & see who else joined in last night what they worked on.

Happy Stitching,


Unknown said...

What a pain Jeanette. They look cute though. Sharyn:)

Cheryll said...

Oh how disappointing for you. Love Rudolph... and Santa will be great too when he's re-stitched!
Thanks for joining in FNwF again! :)

Fiona said...

oh no... lovely stitcheries.... such a shame about the running thread...

Annette said...

If you are using Cottage Garden Threads contact them re dye running! He looks cute!!!

Michelle Ridgway said...

That is such a shame Jeanette. Such gorgeous the reindeer. I hope you can remedy it.

Anonymous said...

love these,just a hint Jeanette if your thread is cottage threads,i soak them in water with salt and then rinse them out and let them dry on a tea towel and i havent had any problems since,good luck.xx

debbie said...

That is sad to see. I do hope your other one will be ok! xx debbie

Helen said...

Gorgeous designs shame about the thread :-(

Katherine said...

Beautiful stitching but such a shame about the dye running. I had a lovely brazilian embroidered doily that used to run each time it was washed. I washed it in nappysan and gave it a quick rinse and then immediately ironed it dry with an iron and hairdryer. It worked a treat for getting the bleeding fixed but I have to do it each time I wash it. Worth a go anyway.

Valspierssews said...

Oh no! I would hate to lose all that work. The designs are so cute.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Lovely Jeanette......real shame about the thread...

Noela said...

What a pain. Lovely stitcheries too.

Leanne said...

Oh how annoying for you, they are very sweet stitcheries.

Deb R said...

Grr not nice thread! I do love these stitcheries!

Claire said...

Oh dear, how very disappointing for you. Maybe you could use a different thread and see if that makes a difference.

Nicky said...

Oh what a shame, you had done such lovely stitching. Good luck for the next one....

Maddy said...

What a shame, all that beautiful workmanship....good luck with the next one.

Susan said...

they are so cute - but I would just keep washing it - I once had a Danish Flower thread run in a cross stitch - hot water and OMO did the trick!

Maria said...

Oh how annoying. I use a dye catcher when I wash mine and it works well.
Love the reindeer stitchery.. lovely thread.

Anthea said...

Hi Jeanette -bah, what a pest about the thread colour running... hope the reindeer doesn't get it too x

Quilting Chemist (Danette) said...

Cute Rudolph, sorry about the thread running after your beautiful stitching.

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...