Friday, February 28, 2014

Last finish for February.

Another ufo, tick
I bought Shades Of Audrey from Michelle back in 2011 i think. I did the stitcheries & promptly put them away & moved onto something else. I started to work on this hanging earlier this week but had to quit due to a migraine. Today i was able to get back to it.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Bags & Christmas

2 bags done, tick
Xmas item done, tick
Bag one, pattern by Joy. Same story as the ruler bag.
Bag 2, pattern also by Joy.
My Xmas item for the month. Love these cute little things. Next time i'll try them as a tree.
Block 2 of A Merry Christmas Garden.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Ruler Bag

I bought the ruler bag pattern many year ago from Joy & put it away. I did the stitcheries quite a few years ago & they also were put away. I took them & the fabrics to retreat 3 years ago & the bag was 3/4's put together. Yesterday was the day to finish & i even found the buttons first thing yesterday morning. Another ufo off the list. YAY.  Hopefully a bag or 2 will get made today off that list.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Friday Night Sew In......

....started early for me to hopefully finish a quilt top i've been working on for the better part of the week. The heat hasn't been good for sitting & sewing. Sometime in the last 10 years i bought the fabrics to make my son another quilt. Cut it all out & yep you guessed it, straight into a box. Seems i have a thing for putting fabrics/ ufo's in boxes. Lol. 4 years ago at quilt retreat i took the box & made up all the blocks & yes back into that box they went until this week.
This pattern was in a Homespun magazine many years ago. I just love the churn dash block. Another ufo has made it to the flimsy stage. YAY. Slowly ticking off UFO's which is making me very happy. Now if i can only find the buttons needed for today's UFO.

 Last night i worked on block 2 of A Merry Christmas Garden by Gail Pan.
Slowly getting all the applique done.

Pop over to visit Wendy our lovely hostess to see who else joined in for the sew in.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Bears, bears, bears,

Another ufo turned into a flimsy. So happy, happy, happy. I can't remember when i did the stitcheries but it was quite a few years ago.
I bought the fabric for the paws, sashing & border, put in a box & there it stayed until a few weeks back when i dragged the box out of the cupboard. Last week i cut out all the fabrics but put it aside to finish smaller ufos. I started this week off by making the units for the paws but life got in the way a bit & it was only yesterday that i was able to sit & sew to finish the top off.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Diary cover

Last year when we were all together for my father's funeral my sister saw my diary cover & asked if i'd make one. Although i wasn't keen i said i would. She said she'd send me the fabric. Well i waited & waited. Finally before Christmas she drops it at our Mum's. Then another month goes by before it finally makes it's way to me. Meanwhile i'm busy with my own things but found time yesterday to make it.
Not to keen on it but the fabric choices she sent wasn't the best. Never mind not asking how much fabric i needed, just sent up a pile of fat 1/4s & most of those had been used already, Excuse the mark it's only water.
Hope she is happy with it.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Goodnight Irene

I wasn't going to start anything new this year, besides my item once a month for Christmas, but i'd been admiring Terry's quilt & succumbed.
My first 2 rows. I nearly gave up yesterday. I had the 2nd row altogether & had sewn it to the first, started to press it & realised something wasn't right. Yep i'd sewn the cross blocks together wrong. Some reverse sewing & all fixed. Terry is running this as a QAL.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Friday Night with Friends

My Friday night with Friends actually started in the morning finishing ufo's.
The sewing caddy to match my pincushion in a previous post. Much happier now i've sewn it together my way. Next on my list was
the bunny cushion from Michele's new book. After that is was out to coffee & cake with my daughters & oh so adorable grandson. Coming home we watched Supernatural whilst i sewed the gap closed in the caddy lining then stuffed & sewed the gap closed in the bunny cushion. Time for tea then back sewing.
Finished decorating the flower in Michelle's bom Fellowship Of The Flowers. Finished these 2 mini blocks from Tail Feathers bom. They are part of block 6.
& lastly before bed i found up this stitchery & worked on it. I think i started it half way through last year. Possibly even earlier than that.
Time it was finished of i think.

Pop on over & visit our lovely host Cheryll & see what the other ladies who joined last night stitched.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, February 7, 2014


Another 2 (recent) UFO's off my list.
A while ago Peg showed her version of Gail's folder & I was inspired to find my pattern & make a start. Due to working on swaps & other things before Christmas it was pushed aside. Tuesday i also worked on this set by Rosalie. I wasn't happy with the way the bucket turned out so i unpicked it & hopefully it will be finished today.
Needlecase from the sewing set.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Table runner

Yesterday i finished this cute table runner by Gail. A recent ufo now ticked of my list. :)

Happy Stitching,

Monday, February 3, 2014

A Flimsy.

Towards the end of last year i was busy working on swaps, gifts ect & getting slightly aggravated with myself that none of my ufo's had been worked on again during the year. I decided enough was enough. 2014 was going to be it for ufo's. No swaps except for the private online one. Also there was to be no new projects until everything i had hanging around half done or partly started was finished. Well that didn't last long i have 4 new projects started. :) I also know within my limitations that the tops that are half done or partly cut out will most likely only be flimsies at years end but i'll be happy just to have achieved even that small amount of finish.

January saw little done due to hot weather but the last week was finally cool enough to sit & sew. First top was partly cut out maybe 10 years ago. Early last week i finished cutting out the piece need & i got down to the business of making a top. I finished it Saturday.
1 down & i' don't know how many other things to go. :) lol

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...