Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Blog Hop With A Difference

Have you noticed a few bloggers participating in A Blog Hop With A Difference? I was nominated by Fee to take part. I'm running a bit late as i was supposed to post on Monday.
 About myself:
                        I'm a Sagittarius. I often have a laugh about that as i'm not at all like a Sagittarius is supposed to be. :) I am associated with fire which is true of me as i don't mind giving fire-twirling a go & like fire i do flit from one thing to another hence having so many UFO's.

 My favourite colour?
                                 Purple of course.

 What else before i go on?
                                         I love my family, cats & birds, reading & gardening. I've dabbled in many crafts over the years but the one i love best is embroidery. Closely followed by EPP.

 What am i working on?
                                     A Christmas stitchery by Natalie Bird.
Also at my table side is another Xmas stitchery. These are my night time projects. Weekends i try to get UFO's worked on plus the blocks for sew alongs i've recently joined.

Why Do I Create What I do?
                                            A genuine love of crafting things. I don't like to have idle hands. I love the process of taking a pattern be it embroidery or patchwork & turning it into a thing of beauty. Sitting embroidery or sewing gives me the time out to relax & forget things for a while.

What Do I Love To Create With?
                                                     I love to work with threads. My favourites being DMC,Cottage Garden Threads & Valdani.

How Do I Become Inspired?
                                              By my fellow bloggers. Seeing ideas online. Pinterest is a great source. My friends i sew with once a month.

Favourite Time Of Day?
                                        When i can sit down with a cup of tea, relax & either read or work on a project, so i guess it would be night time after tea & everything is done for the day.

So now it's time to nominate 3 ladies who i hope won't mind joining in. Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings. I nominate Peg , Shez & Fiona to post on the 15th September. No pressure to do so. The choice is yours.

Happy Stitching,


Noela said...

Lovely post Jeanette. I enjoyed learning new things about you. Hugs.....

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette you have done a lovely post and i feel i know you better now.Sorry but i wish not to join in as i have already turned 2 other friends done,hope that is okay with you,i am sorry.xx

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Dear Jeanette thank you so much but I too will have to say no .... SORRY. ..,,Your post was so good xxx.

Sheila said...

Great post Jeanette , I forgot we are both Sagittarius :-) always enjoy seeing your lovely work .
Hugs Sheila

Jo Potter said...

Ah Jeanette. It is good to catch up with you again on blogger and it's good to know a bit more about you too!
I see we have a lot in common. Cats, gardening and creating stuff!
I have been away too long, sorry I have missed your posts. I will follow you here, as well as your other blog.
All the best,
Jo. x

Maria said...

Great to learn more about you, Jeanette :-)

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...