Saturday, September 13, 2014

My Friday.....

..... started after school drop off. Off to the fabric shop i went to get the extra fabric i needed for my border. Arrived back home, took an iced coffee break & to read my new garden magazine. That done it was time to sew. The border fabric cut & sewn on, time for a photo of the now officially complete flimsy.
 Ta Da. Now it is ready to quilt. :) Hmm what to do next ? UFO"s or blocks for a sew along or the bee swap. Ahh block for the sew along it is. Fabrics chosen i was ready to start. But wait having troubles reading that saved document on the tablet so print it is. Oh whilst i'm here i'll print out that bag pattern too. Ok pattern sorted back to cutting out. Got a bit carried away & ended up with more black strips than needed. The block is called Golden Gate.
Block 2 of the 6" sampler sew along. By now it was lunch time & it was my lucky day. My daughter made me lunch. So with lunch sorted & a cup of tea i relaxed with my book. Refreshed back to the sewing room i trotted to work on my bee blocks for the Bonnie & Camille Sampler swap. First block i misread the sewing instructions. Remedied that by cutting more fabric & now i have a block to send along with pinwheels from the cut off triangles.
Darn i was on a roll ready to get the 2nd block started when it was school pick up time. That out of the way & same daughter, who made lunch, was cooking tea, i went back to the sewing room. I chose fabrics & block pattern & off i went.
Yep i got a little carried away with how many squares to cut for the half square triangles. I had enough to make a larger pinwheel. :) No harm done though as it will be used somewhere in the Bonnie & Camille sampler. Either in my quilt or one of my fellow bees. Ahh now my day is done. Tea is over so i can sit, relax & work on my embroidery.
Now i'm off to see what storm i can sew up today.

Happy Stitching,


KERYN B said...

Oh my gosh girl you are on fire!! You must be so tired you had better have today off and not do any house work and maybe do something relaxing - like sewing.

Annette said...

Jeanette, I am green with envy!!, your day is how I think a perfect day would be, one I often dream about. But working 3 days taking care of 87yo mother & helping with 5 grandchildren, sewing has taken a back step, maybe a 1/2 hour here and there, but do manage a little hand stitching at night to keep me awake in front of the TV! I will continue to will happen. Love your projects! Annette

Sheila said...

Holy smokes Jeanette , who built the fire under you lol
, great blocks. Keep up the great work . Hugs Sheila

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette,wow you sure are on fire,such awesome work my friend,well done ,and how lovely that your daughter did the cooking.xx

Maria said...

OMG you sure were on a roll. How nice to have your DD organise lunch and dinner.
The Christmas flimsy look fab with its border and you got lots of nice blocks done .
Enjoy your stitching.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Love that quilt.....

Cheryll said...

Wow you got a lot done! Love your flimsy... Well done.

Susan said...

What a busy beaver you have been

Michelle Ridgway said...

I think there was something in that iced coffee Lol! You are stitching up a storm. Lovely!

Tatkis said...

What a Christmas beauty! Good luck with quilting!

Cheryl said...

Jeanette you fitted so much lovely sewing into your day. LOVE your xmas flimsy

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...