Friday, June 30, 2017

A finish.....

.........just in the nick of time.

Happy stitching,

My crafty week

I fussy cut the centres for my red hexagons
They were finished earlier this week & appliqued to their backgrounds (didn't take photo of that either) but i just haven't had a chance to get to the machine to put together the hanging.

I've been adding a few more coffins to my quilt but haven't taken a photo. Wednesday i prepped 113 coffins
74 here &
39 here.

I've  mostly been working on Ice Cream Soda this week though. Finished the last 2 blocks last night for month 5

Happy stitching,

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Sewing Snippets

I finished my last stitchery the day the 7/8th hexie templates arrived. I'd just started the border when the postie artived.

Then off to choose fabrics for the hexies.
This doesn't show that they are a deep red. I still have to make the centres of the four flowers.

 Last night was prep night for month 5 of Ice Cream Soda.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Back to stitching

During the week i was inspired by a friend making the same pattern to get mine out & work towards finishing it. So the EPP has been put aside for a while whilst i stitch these.
This one was half done when i put them away. Only 2 to go when I'd done this one.
Finished this one last night. I'm hoping to get the last one done before my 7/8th hexie templates arrive. I doubt it as ths shop i got them from is very good about posting straight away.

Happy stitching,

Saturday, June 17, 2017


I joined in FNSI yesterday but I just didn't feel up to sewing at the machine. Which is sad as i was planning on catching up with my Christmas sew along blocks. I was hoping to sew them today but it looks like a house rearrange as i've a visitor coming i need to make room for.

I did work on Mischief last night.
I added all the white & black pieces in this photo along with the 2 purple blocks.
Here is a full length shot of the first row. It's nearly finished. I do hope the next 9 rows go on quick.

Pop over to lovely hostess Wendy's blog to find the links to see who joined in FNSI last night & what projects they worked on.

Happy Sewing,

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The piecing of Mischief.

Since it was a cold rainy day & i still didn't feel up to using the machine after 4 days of being ill i put Pearl Harbor on Netflix & started piecing together Mischief.
This is the result after 3 hours. I think I'm going to be here a long time doing 10 by 10 rows.
I have half a row done now & it's time for bed.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, June 12, 2017

Quilty cats

After being ill for 3 days i was ready for some crafting. I prepped more coffins
 then i started to add more to my top but i had a very determined cat who wanted a lap.
She didn't care about the container on my lap she just hopped right on in & made herself comfy.
Happy Stitching,

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Under my needle

I learned yesterday that over 700 coffins would be needed to make a single bed quilt so i'm thinking i'll just make a lap size quilt. :) I've added more top & left side. I need to make some half size to fill in the bottom (& top when i get it finished) but not sure what i'll so along the sides yet.
Happy Stitching,

Thursday, June 8, 2017

My coffin quilt

Last night I added a couple of rows to the top & left side of the coffin quilt.
Today I'm sitting in the sun prepping more coffins.
Still not sure how big I'll make it. I've ordered 100 more templates so it might end up quite big.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Making Mischief

I've just finished the last block in the remaining 11 rosettes for Mischief.
Then i laid them all out to see what they look like together & to see in what order I'll sew them.
Happy Stitching,

Monday, June 5, 2017

Sunday sewing.

Yesterday was still a celebration of Chookyblue's Chookshed & i joined in by starting the blocks for the sewalong i joined
Block 1 is just 4 pieces of fabric & block 2 were pieced. The bows still need to be made but that is for another week i'm the sewalong. This is a rather huge quilt so my blocks are downsized by half.

My 3 EPP quilts that need borders were finally on the top of the UFO pile so they were next to be sewn. Well only 2 as i'm still trying to figure a better way to add borders to my Vignette Hexagons than the suggested method.
& Colonial Garden
Technically i guess these are still UFO's but as they are a completed flimsy & not in the UFO pile i don't class them as such. They now reside in my "need to be quilted" box.

 Lastly i spent last night gluing the seam allowance down on the Mischief blocks.
All ready for an evening of sewing tonight.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Table runners

I linked up with Chookyblue for her virtual party to help celebrate the Chookshed's 5th birthday.

Yesterday i finished 2 more UFO's
This one was a long standing UFO. The next is only from a few years back. I'd forgotten about it as when i packed up my sewing room it was put into a container & that was that. I discovered it recently when hunting for something else.
It's rather big so i took another photo of it folded over so you can see the colours a bit better
Then last night after spending the afternoon binding I finished of the last block in the st of 10 Mischief blocks.
Here is all 10
Not sure what i will work on today. I need to make some blocks up for a sew along i've joined  & maybe i'll add borders to one of my EPP projects. Tonight i'll be gluing the seam allowances down on the last 11 Mischief blocks & hopefully getting a start on sewing then together.

Happy Stitching

Saturday, June 3, 2017

FNwF June

Last night for FNwF i worked on blocks for my Mischief quilt.
I nearly had the last 6 made for this block of 10. Got to the last one & decided i needed to go to bed even though it was early. I've 12 left to sew together now.

Pop over to our very lovely hostess Cheryll for links on who joined in last night & see what projects they all worked on.

Happy Stitching

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Coffin quilt

Yesterday i sat in the lovely sunshine on my side verandah working on my coffin quilt. I've added 11 more shapes.
Then last night after raiding just part of my Civil War & Reproduction fabrics for smallish pieces i cut out a pile of coffin shapes. 

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...