Saturday, June 17, 2017


I joined in FNSI yesterday but I just didn't feel up to sewing at the machine. Which is sad as i was planning on catching up with my Christmas sew along blocks. I was hoping to sew them today but it looks like a house rearrange as i've a visitor coming i need to make room for.

I did work on Mischief last night.
I added all the white & black pieces in this photo along with the 2 purple blocks.
Here is a full length shot of the first row. It's nearly finished. I do hope the next 9 rows go on quick.

Pop over to lovely hostess Wendy's blog to find the links to see who joined in FNSI last night & what projects they worked on.

Happy Sewing,


Anonymous said...

wow Jeanette it looks fantastic my friend,well done xx

Michelle Ridgway said...

Looking great. I was EPPing to xx

Julie said...

That looks amazing Jeanette - you have achieved loads. I find it quite hard when I have to stop crafting & rearrange or tidy up because folk are coming. I hope you manage to get back to your creating. Have a lovely weekend. xx

Pamela said...

Great progress! It really looks nice.

Karen's Korner said...

Coming together nicely.

Allie-oops Designs said...

Amazing - you're making great progress!! Enjoy your visitor!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Looks so good ❤️

Susie H said...

Looks like you were stitching to me! Love the color combo!

Maria said...

"Mischief" is looking lovely and I hope you are much better today..

The Sloan Patch said...

It's looking great's a relaxing but slow process isn't it!

Raewyn said...

Mischief is looking great and coming together well...the photo of it on the floor looks good - took me a momment to realise the black squares weren't part of Mischief!! Enjoy your visitor :-)

Susan said...

Mischief is looking great.

sunny said...

It's gorgeous! I haven't done much EPP besides hexies. I obviously need to branch out and try some new things.

Anthea said...

You're getting there Jeanette! Looking good!

Janet said...

This is looking fantastic! I love seeing it laid out on the black and white tile floor.

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