Monday, June 5, 2017

Sunday sewing.

Yesterday was still a celebration of Chookyblue's Chookshed & i joined in by starting the blocks for the sewalong i joined
Block 1 is just 4 pieces of fabric & block 2 were pieced. The bows still need to be made but that is for another week i'm the sewalong. This is a rather huge quilt so my blocks are downsized by half.

My 3 EPP quilts that need borders were finally on the top of the UFO pile so they were next to be sewn. Well only 2 as i'm still trying to figure a better way to add borders to my Vignette Hexagons than the suggested method.
& Colonial Garden
Technically i guess these are still UFO's but as they are a completed flimsy & not in the UFO pile i don't class them as such. They now reside in my "need to be quilted" box.

 Lastly i spent last night gluing the seam allowance down on the Mischief blocks.
All ready for an evening of sewing tonight.

Happy Stitching,


Deb R said...

Ohh looks like you had a great weekend of sewing....thast sewalong looks good!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette wow your quilt flimsy look amazing ,what great finishes my friend and you are doing so well with your mischief blocks,well done xx

Narelle said...

Wow, very productive. Love your flimsies...I agree with not UFO's...maybe UFF's? 😁

Maria said...

Oh sew good to get those pretty flimsys ready for quilting...
Lots of Mischief blocks ready to stitch too .

Allie-oops Designs said...

Wow Jeanette your flimsies are beautiful!!! Well done!

Chookyblue...... said...

pleased you got the borders on those quilts..........they look for the quilting............

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