Friday, September 8, 2017

Crafty Week

I've been having Blogger troubles. I sign in but when i go to leave a comment on a blog i come up as not signed in. Not sure what the issue is or how to fix it so i used my tablet & that seems ok for commenting but when i go to use my tablet to create a post Blogger won't load the pictures. Getting over the issues & seriously considering closing my blog altogether. These photo's are off my tablet. I had to email them to myself to do this post.

I finished my Christmas embroidery, i just have to choose fabrics now to finish the project.
Some very lovely generous ladies i met through the internet & a stitching day sent me fabrics for my Coffins. I spent an afternoon/evening prepping them all.
There is 153 coffins. After that i did a complete count of how many i had ready to sew
The total is 571 in the container. I've 247 sewn. My total is at 818. Getting closer to my 1000+ i need.

I'd gotten a little behind with my 100 hexies but caught them up Wednesday night.
I'm working on Round We Go blocks at the moment. I'll hopefully have a photo of them tomorrow. Somehow.

Happy Stitching,


Chookyblue...... said...

I how you don't close your blog I enjoy reading it and seeing what you make

Julie said...

Hi Jeanette, there is nothing more frustrating than when blogger decides to play up. It does it frequently to me also. I sincerely hope you don't give up your blog as its a lovely place to visit. Your coffins are amazing ... you are getting closer to your total all the time!! Hang in there Jeanette :-)

Fiona said...

sometimes these glitches sort them selves out over a bit of time....

Sheila said...

Some lovely stitching happening at your house . Blogger can be a real pain sometimes .

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette i would miss you my friend,hang in there hopefully it will fix its self.
Lovely stitching Jeanette,hope you have a lovely day xx

Pamela said...

You are so close with the coffins! The Christmas stitchery is sweet. From time to time I have had issues with blogger. When I try to research it or find help, I see others are having the same issues and after a while, they are fixed.

Cheryll said...

Always productive up there Jeanette... xox

Susan said...

Try to stick with the blog - its a great way to keep in touch for everyone.

you have lots of prep done - ready for long sewing days.

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Don't stop blogging! I enjoy seeing what you are up to.. and you have gotten a lot of pretty stuff done again this week! xx

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