Saturday, September 16, 2017

FNSI September

I've been trying to come up with a weekly plan for my hand sewing but so far haven't implemented it. Whilst i love doing EPP i need to get back to doing embroidery/stitcheries & applique. I'm hoping to spend 2or 3 nights at each. With that in mind i traced out these stitcheries yesterday.
I even managed to get the "w" finished & the "i" started. :) The other stitchery i prepped is this one.
Now to draw myself up a rough chart for my weekly work plan to work on each of my handwork projects,

Pop over to visit lovely hostess Wendy to find the links to who all joined in last night.

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette,i love your cute stitchery ,yes i know what you mean its hard to all the different crafts in that we do ,i like your idea of a work plan,hope you have a lovely weekend xx

Michelle Ridgway said...

I know what you mean. Nice to have a little of both. I like your choice *wink

Sheila said...

Nice to have some traced and ready to stitch , you always do such lovely stitching. Enjoy 💖

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

I am hearing you,,,, great plan❤️❤️❤️

Deb R said...

such cute stitcheries..prepping is great!

Julie said...

Very lovely stitchery projects Jeanette. I have been doing some stitchery at nights but because my eyesight is not that great anymore, I find using the Cottage Garden threads means I don't have to keep changing my thread all the time! Happy stitching to you Jeanette.

Karen's Korner said...

So many choices and so little time.....a plan sounds a good idea.

Susan said...

Good luck with the plan - hope it works - there is never enough time is there? said...

Well done you got loads done, the planner sounds like a good idea :)

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Those are very cute stitcheries, good idea to make a weekly plan... xx

Fiona said...

lovely stitcheries..... so many things we want to get done...


Anne Ida said...

You've got some lovely stitcheries on the go, there! Best of luck making your priority chart, know I don't have the willpower to make one - so many things we want to do, so little time, and for me it's what strikes the mood then and there :-)

Susie H said...

Isn't it amazing how much time it takes to transfer patterns over to fabric? Can't wait to see your progress this month with your plan in place!

Anthea said...

Hi Jeanette - well I'm crap at setting priorities, so I have no advice, but I do have praise for your tracing & readiness to pick it up when you're ready to stitch.
Love the Anni Downs words!

Janet said...

You are a task master! I try to make schedules for myself, but I'm not that successful at following them.

Wendyb said...

oH WOW Jeanette, that 'w' must have been an omen! Mr RNG drew your name out of the hat for this month's FNSI.....I think he likes you! :o) I'll post your prize off on Friday....hope you like it and thanks again for joining in with us for FNSI this month. xox sugary hugs :o)

Little Hearts

 All 14 hearts made just in time. :) Now to see what Kathleen makes with hers & decide if i'll do the same or make something up myse...