Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Fat 1/4 birthday swap

The very lovely Cheryll hosted a fat 1/4 swap this year which i was fortunate to be part of. Well my turn finally arrived yesterday & along with beautiful fat 1/4's & extra's was a beautiful handmade gift from Cheryll. Each of us was assigned an individual partner to make a handmade gift to send along with fat 1/4's.
 Fat 1/4's from Julie, Anthea, Asta, Illene, Simone, Cheryll,  Sue thankyou for the lovely fat 1/4's & the extra goodies. Can't wait to make some cupcakes from the cookbook Anthea. :) Love the handmade card Illene.
My handmade gift from Cheryll. The fabric to the side is what Cheryll used to back the little hanging with & it has cat's all over it. Cute cat buttons too. :) :). Love the hanging Cheryll thanks ever so much.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, November 25, 2017

FNSI November & my busy week.

I started my FNSI by adding the last 3 rosettes to another Purpilicious row. I decided to add another row before adding borders as it wasn't long enough for my bed.
Then i added it to the quilt
After that i finished off a flower for my Libby Morgan quilt & made a 2nd

During the week i cut out the pieces for Purplicious
& sewed them together
Stitched a Gail Pan Christmas stitchery
finished the Purplicious row
 & finished of 100 hexagons in 100 days which is actually 200 as i did 2 different lots. Bright & reproduction.

Pop over to visit our lovely hostess Wendy to find the links to who participated last night & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Busy week

I needed to make a little gift for a friend so i whipped up a stitchery from Michelle's country alphabet to go on it.
Next i caught up with my 100 days of hexies, 84 to 92. We must be finished now so i'd better do the last 8 up.
I made a pile more hexies for Libby Morgan
I've spent several days now turning them into flowers
Every year for a number of years i've been buying myself a Jim Shore Christmas ornament. Sometimes 1 sometimes 2. This is my choice for this year.
I love the Woodland series.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, November 11, 2017

My week

I finished the half blocks for Icecream Soda then laid all the blocks out to see what they looked liked together.
This isn't my final layout. When i get the joining pieces prepped I'll figure it out then. The joiners should arrive next week.

After that i started on Month 4 of Round We Go
All ready to sew &
finished the last one last night. I wasn't keen on this block as there isn't any intructions on how to sew any of the blocks together. I accidently cut the long angled rectangles the wrong way so wasted fabric there but i got them sewn together in the end.
 3 more sets of hexies for my Libby Morgan quilt.

Happy Stitching

Sunday, November 5, 2017

FNwF November.....

.... was a fail for me. I had 3 quilts ready to put binding on even though i couldn't find one of the bindings but i woke with a migraine & that was that.

This is what i did during the week
More hexies for my Libby Morgan quilt.
This isn't a mess its little piles of the 4 full blocks, 8 half blocks, side & corner pieces for month 9 of Icecream Soda.
I should've taken this photo after I'd finished all the gluing. 😊😊.
I had these 3 done by Thursday night. As I felt better last night (Saturday) & i decided to sit & sew while watching Alias Grace on Netflix & i managed to catch up on 100 hexies in 100 days,
these are 69 to 83 & 
The last full block, 2 half blocks 
started a 3rd before i went to bed.

Pop over to our lovely hostess Cheryll to find links to see everyones projects.

Happy Stitcing 

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...