Saturday, November 11, 2017

My week

I finished the half blocks for Icecream Soda then laid all the blocks out to see what they looked liked together.
This isn't my final layout. When i get the joining pieces prepped I'll figure it out then. The joiners should arrive next week.

After that i started on Month 4 of Round We Go
All ready to sew &
finished the last one last night. I wasn't keen on this block as there isn't any intructions on how to sew any of the blocks together. I accidently cut the long angled rectangles the wrong way so wasted fabric there but i got them sewn together in the end.
 3 more sets of hexies for my Libby Morgan quilt.

Happy Stitching


Anonymous said...

Good morning my friend ,wow how good does your ics cream soda look all laid out and i really love your round we go blocks,and yikes i am no good without instructions,lol,hope you have a lovely weekend Jeanette xx

Pamela said...

Great progress!

Michelle Ridgway said...

Looks wonderful Jeanette. You are a whizz at EPP xx

Julie said...

Everything looks lovely Jeanette but those Icecream Soda blocks look stunning!

Maria said...

The Icecream Soda blocks look great together...
Nice colours you are using Round we go blocks..
Have fun with your new EPP project.

Fiona said...

Icecream Soda is looking stunning..... love the colour mix.... Round we go blocks are very effective...

Anthea said...

Ice Cream Soda looks wonderful Jeanette, well done!
Golly, you are amazing to have 3 EPP projects going at the same time... love them all.

Allie-oops Designs said...

Those are all true commitment projects, girl - beautiful!

Cheryl said...

Looking amazing Jeanette

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Your icecream soda is looking fantastic! I really need some lessons from you on how to progress from hexies...!!! xx

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...