Saturday, November 25, 2017

FNSI November & my busy week.

I started my FNSI by adding the last 3 rosettes to another Purpilicious row. I decided to add another row before adding borders as it wasn't long enough for my bed.
Then i added it to the quilt
After that i finished off a flower for my Libby Morgan quilt & made a 2nd

During the week i cut out the pieces for Purplicious
& sewed them together
Stitched a Gail Pan Christmas stitchery
finished the Purplicious row
 & finished of 100 hexagons in 100 days which is actually 200 as i did 2 different lots. Bright & reproduction.

Pop over to visit our lovely hostess Wendy to find the links to who participated last night & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,


Fiona said...

you get so much done.... purplicious is going to be superb

Pamela said...

Wow! You accomplished a lot. The fussy cut hexie blocks are so cute!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette wow you are sure on a roll,your purple quilt will look fantastic on your bed,well done my friend xx

Karen's Korner said...

You are getting so much done. Pretty hexies.

Julie said...

Gosh Jeanette, you sure do achieve heaps in a week!!! Love all your creations & adore that stitchery!!

Michelle Ridgway said...

Ohhh love Purplicious! You got so much done Jeanette this week. I was EPPing too xxx

Maria said...

WOW 💯 Hexies in a 💯 days...... You are the Queen of beautiful EPP...
beautiful stitching too.

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

Wow, that's a lot of projects. They're all so pretty.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

You have been so busy looking fabulous well done ❤️

Vicki said...

Popping in via FNSI...the purplicious quilt is going to look amazing

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

wow, you got lots done! Love the Gail pan stitchery...xx

Susan said...

Busy looking good!

Binsa said...

Enjoyed catching up with your projects

Wendyb said...

holey dooley Jeanette! You must have been on caffeine overload to get all that done! So nice too.....I love it all. Thanks for joining with me on Friday night and congratulations for being drawn out as our winner for November! xox big hugs
Wendy :o)

Lin said...

Oh I love your purpilicious! xx

Susan said...

Congratulations on your win!!!

Susie H said...

Whew! I'm exhausted just seeing what all you've accomplished! You are amazing!!!! And congratulations on winning the FNSI prize this month!

Mia said...

Wow! I love your works!!!!!!!! Kisses, my friend.

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...