Saturday, November 18, 2017

Busy week

I needed to make a little gift for a friend so i whipped up a stitchery from Michelle's country alphabet to go on it.
Next i caught up with my 100 days of hexies, 84 to 92. We must be finished now so i'd better do the last 8 up.
I made a pile more hexies for Libby Morgan
I've spent several days now turning them into flowers
Every year for a number of years i've been buying myself a Jim Shore Christmas ornament. Sometimes 1 sometimes 2. This is my choice for this year.
I love the Woodland series.

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

Good morning my friend you sure have been busy,your stitchery is so cute,and you have made heaps of hexies,well done my friend.
Love your Jim Shore ornament ,i bought one like this for Cheryl a couple of xmas ago,one that stands on a shelf,they are so cute with the animals around them,its a lovely buy Jeanette,glad you spoilt yourself,hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend xx

Fiona said...

You got lots done .... those stitcheries are great and so useful... Cute ornie for your treat this year...

Julie said...

Hi Jeanette, I have that alphabet pattern of Michelles .... its great!! Your stitching & your new ornie are just lovely. Beautiful Xxx

Pamela said...

Those little hexagon flowers are adorable! Well done!

Rosa said...

So gorgeous hexies.Well done!!

Michelle Ridgway said...

Beautiful stitching Jeanette. Very nice to know the Alphabet is useful. Love Jim Shore and this years choice is gorgeous!

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Lovely stitchery.. and the Jim Shore ornament is gorgeous - never heard of them, I'll have to go to google now! xx

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...