Saturday, June 23, 2018

Round We Go bom update.

A couple of days ago i figured since the final part of Round We Go was due in i'd better get down to the applique part. :). I'm hoping to get quite a few more done over the weekend before part 12 arrives. I had 44 to applique & have managed 15. This isn't my final layout but it is how they are laid out - black, white, black, white ect. I'm guessing the quilt will fit a single bed. The blocks have been cut at 9" to be cut back to 8-1/2" but i'm thinking i'll just leave it to make the quilt a little bigger & longer. Something to think on as i make the last 4 blocks & finish the applique.
Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Ruth's Dream Quilt update.

I've been embroidering the next 4 blocks in Ruth's Dream quilt over the last couple of days & finished them last night.
 Not many to go now & i can start putting my quilt together.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Saturday, June 16, 2018


My FNSI started in the morning making binding to go on a quilt the Wonderfully Awesome Fiona had quilted for me & had arrived back Thursday. I then spent most of the evening/afternoon hand stitching the binding down..

A Merry Christmas Garden by Gail Pan. It was a bom i did back in 2014 using all my own fabrics. I knew this quilt was huge but didn't realise how big until i laid it atop my queen bed. It's big!!!
 Love the sparkly thread Fiona used in the border. :)
Beautiful quilting as always. Love it.

Next i pieced a backing for another quilt top for Fiona to quilt for me. No photo's of that as it was quite boring. :)

Next up i thought i'd make up one of the Christmas projects that have been hanging around a few months with the embroidery finished. As i went to cut the border fabrics i realised i couldn't quite finish this one yet as i had to applique leaves & berries to the 4 corners of the border. Borders added, berries & leaves fabric chosen & ironed on I stitched them until bed time. I hoped to have it done by the time Jurassic Park finished but i still have 1-1/2 leaves to go. I'll have to quickly finish them so i can make the hanging up today.
Thankyou once again to the very lovely Wendy for being our hostess. Pop on over to visit Wendy & find the links to who joined in & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Snow Happy Hearts June.

Since i cut my finger when i'd planned to prep my heart i'm a few days behind posting but here is my June Snow Happy Heart. So yesterday was prep & stitching day.
I'm having a lovely time stitching these along with Karen, Shez & Joan.

Yesterday i also prepped my June stitcheries for Ruth's Dream quilt
& the June stitcheries for Send My Love Bom
which i started stitching last night. :)

Happy Stitching

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Pincushion & Libby Morgan

Last year i spotted a little kit for a pincushion with a; hexagon flower so i bought it. It just sat & sat until yesterday & i don't know why i left it so long. As it was such a quick simple little project to whip up. Had it all done in a couple of hours.
& a side shot
If i get sick of the hexagons or they wear out it's a simple matter of making a new top, take the brown outer ring off, slipping the silicone ring off the inner brown container to remove the fabric & it's done.

After that i got out my neglected Libby Morgan quilt & made 2 flowers up.
I have a total of 58 flowers made up & 20 ready to sew together. I don't think i'll make a huge quilt with these so i think it's time i worked out how i want to piece the quilt together.


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

EPPing along

I remembered i had a glue pen stashed away in another EPP project. A UFO from many years ago i must finish off. Upon investigation not only was there a glue stick in the pen i found 2 spares. Eureka the EPP can go on until the other sticks arrive in the mail. :).

Sunday afternoon/evening after i got back from the Tupperware party i set to getting through the pile of fabrics in my previous post & then again yesterday afternoon/evening. Result 148coffins.
Total in the last few days is 275. Time to do a count up of all the coffins to see just how many are needed before i drag any more fabric out & have my lounge room looking like a patchwork shop.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, June 10, 2018

EPP coffins

My finger is still sore & then last night the cat accidently stuck her claw right into the cut & started it bleeding again it was more EPP prep for me. I must look a bit silly the way i've been holding my glue pen but it works. Doesn't matter if the line of glue is a bit wonky as long as the fabric sticks that is all i need.
56 coffins last night. This is the pile i still have to go through & i've almost run out of glue. I hope more arrive tomorrow in the mail.
After this pile i have to go through another 2 boxes of fabric. I'm really hoping i don't double up on fabrics but at this stage if there is doubles then so be it.

Happy stitching as i'm off to a Tupperware party.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Friday Night with Friends June.

Since i missed out sewing last weekend along with Chookyblue, due to a migraine, for her Chookshed birthday i planned a sewing retreat for myself this weekend &  luckily it coincided with FNwF. Great, i thought, planning all sorts of things in my head until i remembered Friday was the 6 week orthodontist check up. Darn there goes part of the day. Oh well thinking i'll still go ahead with things. Famous last words. :)

So i planned slow cooker meals & even cakes/slices. Started to make pea & ham soup for last nights dinner.
My soup turned out fabulous but i guess you are wondering did i sew. Well when i was cutting up the vegetables to put into the soup i did this.
Sorry not a good photo. I sliced open the side of my finger just under the fingernail. Being right handed & the cut being where it is i couldn't hold a pencil or needle. I was planning to prep this months boms in the morning before the appointment. Didn't happen as blood was pouring out & the cut painful. Moving on wondered if i could manage to make muffins &  but put that aside until later as i had a small visitor arrive. We ended up watching this
After the appointment i thought i'd make those muffins but darn it i aggravated the finger & yes there was blood again. :( but the muffins were made.
So to finish my sorry tale of woe i'll show you what i did make last night
51 coffins. I did have to hold the glue pen a little different than usual but at least i could get something done. Now to see if i can get any sewing done today. It's cold & overcast again. Maybe i'll just curl up under a blankie & read or maybe cut more coffins & watch Netflix. :)

Thankyou once again to our lovely hostess Cheryll for being our hostess again last night. Pop over to Cheryll's blog to find the links to who joined in last night & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


I finished off my redwork from the previous post last night & started on a set of stitcheries i traced out at the same time. They don't take long to stitch as i completed this one last night.
It's one of a set of 6 & i will either make a banner or a wallhanging.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, June 2, 2018


I needed something simple to stitch on Thursday as i thought i'd be sitting at the hospital all day. It wasn't to be. All that will happen next month now. Instead i sat at home, watched Netflix & started the stitchery. :)
Then last night i stitched some more & nearly completed it.
Just the little snowman at the top to do now.

The cute pattern is a freebie from  the very lovely Michelle. Just scroll down her sidebar to find it.

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...