Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Pincushion & Libby Morgan

Last year i spotted a little kit for a pincushion with a; hexagon flower so i bought it. It just sat & sat until yesterday & i don't know why i left it so long. As it was such a quick simple little project to whip up. Had it all done in a couple of hours.
& a side shot
If i get sick of the hexagons or they wear out it's a simple matter of making a new top, take the brown outer ring off, slipping the silicone ring off the inner brown container to remove the fabric & it's done.

After that i got out my neglected Libby Morgan quilt & made 2 flowers up.
I have a total of 58 flowers made up & 20 ready to sew together. I don't think i'll make a huge quilt with these so i think it's time i worked out how i want to piece the quilt together.



Jeanette said...

Google is so frustrating. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette wow what a wonderful pin cushion,so glad you made it ,such a cute project. Well done with your hexies,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

Fiona said...

Lovely little pincushion..... looks great.... I can't get over how much EPP you get done...

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Love the pincushion!

Susan said...

LOL - I have one of those too - it is still sitting!!!
very cute hexies

Julie said...

That pincushion is SOoooo cute Jeanette - Love it so much. Did the kitset include the little bowl?

Chookyblue...... said...

I've got that kit I need to get my pincushion made........

Anthea said...

Yes Google is frustrating! I agree!

It seems you have inspired a few other ladies with their own hexy pincushion, now that you have shared your pretty creation. Well done... amazing how many times we do that to ourselves; have something sit for ages only to take such a short time to finally make it up!

Lin said...

Pretty pincushion Jeanette. xx

Karen S said...

Gorgeous little pin cushion and sweet flowers.

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