Saturday, June 2, 2018


I needed something simple to stitch on Thursday as i thought i'd be sitting at the hospital all day. It wasn't to be. All that will happen next month now. Instead i sat at home, watched Netflix & started the stitchery. :)
Then last night i stitched some more & nearly completed it.
Just the little snowman at the top to do now.

The cute pattern is a freebie from  the very lovely Michelle. Just scroll down her sidebar to find it.

Happy Stitching,


Jeanette said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette beautiful stitching my friend,well done,i love stitching while watching netflix,we are watching Hindterland at the moment ,hope you have a lovely weekend xx

Cheryll said...

Nice work...xox

Michelle Ridgway said...

Do hope all is ok with you Jeanette. Lovely to see the freebie is useful!

Lin said...

Great work. xx

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Very nice ❤️❤️❤️

Allie-oops Designs said...

Aw that's darling - you are very fast at stitching! Hope all is well hon. You don't have to reply, I think blogger is still acting badly....hugs.

Fiona said...

Hope you are okay... your stitching is of course very ok and I love it...

Susan said...

Very nice - but now you need another stitchery for the hospital visit!!

Julie said...

Its gorgeous Jeanette - you did well to complete it!

Karen S said...

It looks lovely. Looks like you will need to find more stitching.

Binsa said...

Lovely stitching Jeanette

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