Saturday, June 16, 2018


My FNSI started in the morning making binding to go on a quilt the Wonderfully Awesome Fiona had quilted for me & had arrived back Thursday. I then spent most of the evening/afternoon hand stitching the binding down..

A Merry Christmas Garden by Gail Pan. It was a bom i did back in 2014 using all my own fabrics. I knew this quilt was huge but didn't realise how big until i laid it atop my queen bed. It's big!!!
 Love the sparkly thread Fiona used in the border. :)
Beautiful quilting as always. Love it.

Next i pieced a backing for another quilt top for Fiona to quilt for me. No photo's of that as it was quite boring. :)

Next up i thought i'd make up one of the Christmas projects that have been hanging around a few months with the embroidery finished. As i went to cut the border fabrics i realised i couldn't quite finish this one yet as i had to applique leaves & berries to the 4 corners of the border. Borders added, berries & leaves fabric chosen & ironed on I stitched them until bed time. I hoped to have it done by the time Jurassic Park finished but i still have 1-1/2 leaves to go. I'll have to quickly finish them so i can make the hanging up today.
Thankyou once again to the very lovely Wendy for being our hostess. Pop on over to visit Wendy & find the links to who joined in & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,


Jeanette said...

Google are you even listening?

Sharm said...

Oh I sure hope google is listening and then working on the acting bit!!!! How awesome to get something like that finished ! I really need to work on some WIP things ..... but then I see the first half of the year gone so quickly that Christmas will be here before I get fully unpacked!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette,what beautiful work my friend ,love your quilt and stitchery,well done . Lets hope google get it fixed soon,hope you have a wonderful weekend Jeanette xx

Cheryll said...

You were very productive last night... xox

Michelle Ridgway said...

Beautiful quilt to have for this Christmas. That Fiona lady sure does a great job xx

Karen's Korner said...

It is nice to be able to make an early start on your sewing. A beautiful finish.

Julie said...

You achieved loads Jeanette! Love the quilt all finished ... LOVE the sparkly thread used also. No I don't think Google is listening to all us creative ladies out here in blogland.

Helen said...

Love the quilt and that is a very cute stitchery.....

Binsa said...

Your finished quilt is gorgeous ajeanette

Karen S said...

Great finish with your quilt. It looks wonderful.
And that is also a very cute wall hanging.
Lovely work.

Maria said...

Love your Christmas Quilt.....
Also the funky reindee's stitchery.

Susie H said...

Your Merry Christmas Garden is a beauty! Love how it all went together so beautifully with stash fabric. Thank you for sharing! said...

Your Christmas quilt is absolutely stunning, beautiful work :)

Lin said...

Beautiful work - Fiona's quilting is amazing. Great work all round for your FNSI. xx

Allie-oops Designs said...

That quilt is so gorgeous!!!! What a treasure!!!! Fiona does such beautiful quilting, too - well done both of you!

Helen said...

Always nice to have an early start your Merry Christmas quilt looks fabulous .

Fiona said...

You got a heap done...those stitcheries are gorgeous and I do love the quilt.... just perfect and thank yoiu for the quilting comments xx


Anthea said...

Love your Comment up the top there Jeanette! Go you!
Congratulations on your finished Christmas quilt... it's amazing you have done a stellar job of it (& I guess Fiona's quilting passes the test too, wink wink!)
It will be a treasure for many Festive Seasons to come.

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

The Christmas quilt is just lovely! And beautiful work by Fiona as usual!! xx

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