Sunday, October 18, 2020

Zoom Zoom

 Yesterday i joined in the Zoom group that Chookyblue had set up. Thankyou Chookyblue.  It was a very lovely day & so nice to have a wonderful group of ladies to sit & sew with. I really miss having sewing days & i really hope we can do it again sometime soon. :)

I picked my neglected Libby Morgan quilt to work on & i managed to get 4 flowers surrounded whilst chatting & the other flowers whilst watching the football last night. Sadly my team lost & won't be in the grand final next week.

I counted about 80 flowers so i'll work on an 8 by 10 row quilt with borders. Hopefully it will be around a single size.

Happy Stitching


Chookyblue...... said...

was great you could join in with us sewing....I have missed my sewing time with friends also........

loulee said...

Your hexie flowers look lovely.
It was fun chatting away while we stitched.

Cheryll said...

It was lovely sewing with you too.
You are growing some Beautiful flowers as well...xx

marina said...

Lovely hexies
Great to sew together even if it was via zoom.

kiwikid said...

We are so lucky to catch up via zoom, so much better than nothing. Your flowers are beautiful.

Flickenstichlerin said...

Was good to meet and chat with you at the zoom party, nice hexies, very nice.

Maria said...

Chooky's Zoom meeting are always fun and I was pleased I could come and go though the day...
Your Flowers look lovely..

Karen S said...

Great way to catch up and get some stitching done as well. The flowers are looking lovely.

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Flowers are looking great and sorry the Rabbitohs didn't go through to the GF. They did well this year (unlike the Dragons).

Michelle Ridgway said...

Lovely hexies Jeanette. At least your Bunnies did better than my nags lol!

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Wasn't it just a lovely day! I so enjoyed it... and great to "zoom meet" you :) Your hexies are coming along so nicely xx

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