Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Zoom Stitching.

 Yesterday i joined Chookyblue in a Zoom stitching meet up she hosted along with quite a few lovely ladies. It is always such fun to join in these meetups. Ladies from the northern hemisphere are on early in the day & it's lovely to chat with them. Aussie ladies pop in & out during the day & it is nice to see all the different projects being stitched.

I worked on my stitcheries from Gail Pan's new I stitch BOM Bring Me Flowers.

I finished this block whilst chatting. It needs a press i know. :). Then started on the little flower blocks.

I started on these 2 little blocks & almost finished when i left the meetup. I finished them later in the evening along with these 2.

I had finished the other block on Monday.

yay i got them done before we get February's pattern. :) Now i just need to choose fabrics to go with them.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Quilters blessings

Yesterday my quilter's blessing stitcheries came off the ufo pile & made into a hanging.

The last bonus project stitchery of Gail Pans Christmas bom from 2019 was made into a mug rug. I think i'll us it as a candle mat at Christmas time.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Schoolgirl Sampler Sewalong week 3

 I think the hardest part of making these little 4-1/2" blocks is choosing the fabric. That is not to say that some aren't a wee bit hard to make. It has been fun though going through my reproduction stash. I think i can safely say there won't be any repeat fabrics throughout the quilt .:) :).

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, January 16, 2021

FNSI January

 Last night it was time for the first FNSI of 2021. Looking forward to a year of sewing with all the lovely ladies who join in each month. Hosted again by the lovely Wendy.

I started early. I had been planning to start along with all the other ladies who joined The Schoolgirl Sampler sewalong run by designer Kathleen Tracy on Facebook. But things got in the way. Fast forward & they were up to 12 & week 3 blocks were looming. I figured i'd make a start & just sew 3 or 4 each day until i was caught up. But no that isn't what i did at all.

I had got to 9 & decided to quit but then thought to myself  "oh it's only 3 more". All 12 done & dusted. They are done in reproduction fabrics & as i put each fabric aside i'm putting them in a box to see it i can make the quilt without any repeat fabrics. :).So there you have it 12 x 4-1/2" blocks done in one day & week 3 blocks come out today. :) So i'm off to sew them today.

In the evening i did a little EPP.

Just the 3 in the photo & the paths.

This is Libby Morgan so far. 1 more row. The borders will be 4 to 6" making it a nice lap quilt.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, January 9, 2021



Yesterday was the first Friday Night with Friends for 2021. Cheryll, our lovely hostess, is hosting us again this year.

I finished off the little Christmas stitchery i'd started earlier in the week

It only needed the stars & french knots & it was done.

 I'd started this BOM last year from Fig 'n' Berry but put it aside to work on other things. Thought i'd at least try & get this first block finished. :)

I had the bird & the little girl to finish. Now to start on all the satin stitch. I really hate satin stitch. :) :).

Pop over here to find the links to who joined in & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, January 7, 2021

a tiny dent in the ufo's

 After a delay of 2 days due to a migraine i was able to get back to sewing yesterday. I completed the purple top from my previous post. Although not quilted yet i will count it is a little finish. Last night i added the running stitch that went around the inside of the big blocks.

I didn't think i'd get this one done at all let lone completed even though it's a small hanging. I had to go out for a while & then sitting stirred up my osteo arthritis. :(.

Pattern by Fig 'n' berry. It's not crooked it's just the way i took the photo.

2 down umpty more to go. lol.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, January 4, 2021


Did i make a New Years resolution to finish things this year ? No i didn't it was a resolution more to do with the what was left unfinished when my SIL passed away last year & I don't want my things to be left the same way but up until now i've not been able to get started. 

Yesterday was the start of the promise i made myself to "FINISH THINGS". Now if some of those things only make it to quilt tops then i'm happy with that as i know i'll get them quilted eventually. 

I started with these 2 small stitcheries from Gail Pan's 2019 BOM

Next up was another stitchery from the same BOM

Both of these finishes were the bonus projects.

Next was an older UFO. Not sure when i started these stitcheries but i put them aside with only 1 or 2 completed stitcheries then i dragged them out in 2019 i think to finish. The finished stitcheries were then put aside again with the fabrics to make the top.

I got the next border round cut before i stopped so it's ready to go today. Hopefully i'll get the top finished today.

Whilst going through the Christmas BOM to check if i'd any other stitcheries done that needed finishing off i found 1 that i'd traced but for some reason never stitched. Last night i made a start on it.
Happy Stitching,

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Christmas Stitchery & Libby Morgan

 Every year for quite a number of years now Natalie Bird puts out beautiful stitchery to make a wallhanging. As soon as i saw last years one pop up i snapped it up quick smart as i've bought everyone that she designs like this. Hmmm i'll need a bigger hanger for this Christmas. :) I did get the stitching part done but not in time to finish it before Christmas.

Libby Morgan is progressing well despite taking a break whilst doing the stitchery.

Just 2 more rows to go. I did discover when laying out the remaining hexagon flowers recently that i didn't have quite enough for 9 rows.  As i wanted to end on equal rows of 10 i'm glad i laid them out to see how i was going. I'm going to fill in  the spaces & then square it off rather than applique it to borders like the original.

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...