Sunday, February 27, 2022

February Zoom.

 After the month i had it was wonderful to sit & sew yesterday with lovely ladies from all around the world in a Zoom session hosted by Chooky. 

Not sure how many ladies joined in as they come & go all day. I managed to get a photo at one stage of the day.

I worked on a block from Lucy

I had nearly finished adding the white to my block when my daughter asked if i wanted to run to the shops. Not really but figured i'd buy a few extras in case of delays with trucks getting through as with all the rain it's flooding in quite a few areas. Talk about panic buying, the bread shelf was completely empty. Makes a change from the toilet paper shelf being bare. Ha ha. :).

Happy Stitching,


loulee said...

Your block looks great. Was good to see you in zoom. :-)

marina said...

Lovely to join Chooky's zoom yesterday.
Love your latest Lucy block. The green and pink is so pretty and i love the fussy cutting.

Julie said...

Your block is gorgeous Jeanette - some of my favourite colours!! Yes I have been reading about all the rain & the flooding you have had over there ... please send the rain this way as we are Oh So dry here! xx

Narelle said...

Your Lucy is looking very pretty .... sorry I missed you, I only got on late.

Helen said...

Love you lucy block sorry i missed zoom catchup.

Jeanna said...

Your quilt blocks is gorgeous! Thank goodness for Zoom. I enjoy stitching with my friends on Sunday afternoons.

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Your Lucy block is so sweet... I missed the zoom.. again... ! Stay safe xx

Janice said...

What a pretty block. It was nice to see you on Saturday.

Chookyblue...... said...

OMG this seems like a world away....... And OMG the flooding..... Working in a flood emergency now - up north..... So so so much loss......
Lucy looks great......

FNSI February

I had a nice early start to my day. First thing to do was get out the scrap basket of blues to make this months RSC blocks. Fabrics chosen t...