Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Blue blocks

 I've decided to join in the rainbow scrap challenge this year & today i made my blocks. I just made it in the nick of time seeing as today is the last day of January.

I've had in mind for quite a while to make a bow tie quilt & they were my chosen blocks for this years challenge. They are 6-1/2" blocks & if i make 6 every month i'll have 72 & hopefully a good sized quilt. :)

My scrap basket didn't have a lot of blues & what was there i wouldn't have been able to get enough out of to make the blocks so my blues drawer was raided. That is quite ok with me as my intention is to chop up all those horded fabrics into scrappy quilts.

Then then the other day a good friend mentioned about a quit group she attends is making churn dash blocks to swap. They are choosing a colour a month for 6 months. As i love churn dash blocks is was a no brainer for me to also make them up today.

Can't wait to see what February's colour is.

I'd seen this quote today & thought it appropriate for me. I needed to take that first step back into sewing so here's hoping that today's sewing effort will lead to a 2nd step, then a 3rd & so on.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, January 21, 2023

FNSI January 2023

Yesterday was the first FNSI of 2023 hosted by Wendy. Thankyou Wendy for hosting us again this year.

I started my day early putting a doll quilt together & then hand quilting it.

I still have the borders to do. I stopped quilting in the evening so i could get back to my stitchery ufo. I was up to here when i started

and here when i went to bed

I'm up to block 16 now. I'm determined to get it finished & not have it hanging around for a few more years. It was so much easier to be disciplined when i was only partially mobile. :)

Pop over here to see who joined in FNSI last night

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Good news & sewing

 Yesterday saw me at the hospital with fingers crossed for good news about my foot. Cast off & x-ray done it was then i got good news that my foot had healed enough that i'm done with casts. Yahooo!!!

I'm to wear a moon boot until about the 24th February & i hope to get the all clear then to be able to wear shoes on both feet. :)

I've nearly completed block 14 of my BOM 

And another 7 stars are done for a total of  14.

I still haven't decided on a background but a lady was telling me her friend is making the same quilt & is using quilters muslin & as i have plenty of that in my stash i may do the same.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Seeing stars.

 Yesterday i thought i'd do 2 stars to try & catch up since it was already the 7th day of the year. I ended up making 5. :). Now i'm all caught up. Not a great photo as the fabric with the black star is actually pink.

I'm not really happy with them as i just can't get the centres aligned right despite careful stitching. So maybe i won't make the full size quilt. I had bought a starter pack of fabric for the stars & it has 16 pieces in it. I think i can get 3 stars out of each piece. I may have a background fabric in my stash i can use if i only make 48 stars. I'll have to keep thinking about it but i'd better hurry up & make up my mind about size as the fabric i'm looking at for the background of a full size is on sale.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, January 7, 2023

FNwF January 2023

 First FNwF for 2023 hosted by Cheryll. Thankyou Cheryll for having us again this year.

 I'm taking part in a doll quilt swap so i started my day early by choosing a pattern & fabrics for it.

All cut out ready to sew. I had to take a break after this as standing on one leg is tiring & painful. :)

Years ago i bought the pattern star a day & some fabric to start it but like everything else put it away for another day. I got it out thinking i'd make a start this year but i haven't enough background fabric. It needs 8 metres. I did consider it as an option for the doll quilt, just making enough for a 20" by 20" quilt. Whislt debating if i will make a years worth of stars & therefore needing 8 metres of background fabric i've made a start & have 2 made. :)

They are tiny stars. When finished they will measure 3".

Last night it was back to my embroidery. I'm determined to finish this bom. I think this is block 14 out of 23/24.


I stitched the top of the vine, the side under the vine, the top of the pillar box, the bird & started the girl before trundling off to bed.

Pop over here to see who joined in.

Happy Stitching,1    

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...