Monday, February 12, 2024

Schoolgirl sampler blocks

 I finished the last six blocks yesterday.

 Luckily i made myself notes & could see i only had 46 hst's left to make & they were also done yesterday.

All that is left now is to do the applique centre the put the top together.

Happy Stitching,


dq said...

Congrats on finishing up your School Girl Sampler blocks. They look so good!

Auntie Em said...

Congratulations on getting your Schoolgirl Sampler blocks completed! I started making one a few years back as part of a sew-along too. I opted for a pieced central square though, because I'm not an experienced applique-er.

Lin said...

Congratulations! Great work. Looking forward to seeing the applique now. xx

loulee said...

How exciting, you must be looking forward to putting everything together.

Fiona said...

This is going to look wonderful.... love all the colours you have used...

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