Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Blue & Green........

should never be seen..... but i think they work quite well in this quilt.

Pattern is Bring Me Flowers by Gail Pan. Quilted by the quilting fairy.

Happy Stitching,


Fiona said...

You are powering through the binding.... are your fingers sore? I just so love this quilt...

kiwikid said...

Colours look great together, the quilting Fairy has been busy!

Lin said...

Another lovely finish and blue and green always play happily together. xx

loulee said...

I started this as a BOM, but stalled. I did collect all the parts. One day I might finish it. Like you I was working in blue and green. Hope mine turns out as pretty as yours.

Chookyblue...... said...

my mum used to say that to me but they always look amazing I say......this one looks great......congrats on your finish......

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