Monday, March 4, 2024

Whimsy & wonder

 The Whimsy & Wonder quilt is finished & quilted by the quilting fairy

Not sure if i like it or not. It's a wee bit busy.  Maybe i'll see if my GD would like it. :)

Only 3 quilts left to bind now.

Happy Stitching,


Julie said...

I love it!!! Its beautiful Jeanette - & not too busy. That centre panel looks like it reminds me of a really pretty doiley. I clicked on your pic to enlarge it. xx

loulee said...

Like it or not, it's finished. And someone will love it.
You did great, working out how to complete something that you're not sure about. I'll need some of that soon I think.

Lin said...

It is oh so pretty! Whats not to love about it? xx

Fiona said...

Its a very pretty quilt... and your work is wonderful. It's interesting how we do change what we like over time

Chookyblue...... said...

I hope you had enjoyed this quilt

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