Saturday, September 14, 2024


 Not a lot of sewing happening at my house:(. So i'm posting some of the plant that have bloomed in my garden. :)

 I had hope to have heaps done on my challenge but this health problem is making it very hard. I have had blood tests, xrays & scans done & they all come back with nothing. So the Dr thinks i may have a broken/cracked rib & so i need to go for more scans. :( Puzzle now is how did i break/crack a rib. 

 Makes it hard to do a lot of anything. I had hoped to be further along with my challenge but i'm still muddling along with adding pieces to the coffin quilt. 1 of the others is ready to have backing & wadding & the other the border machined on. I don't think i will get to the other 2 which have the borders appliqued one but i will keep going as i can with them. Need to catch up on other projects too for this month. :)

So to my flowers

When my brother moved i ended up with quite a few plants this orchid being one of them.


and these 2 azaleas. :)

My azaleas have been blooming nicely but i keep forgetting to take photos so a lot of the blooms are dead. :(

The poinsettias are blooming nicely

& i spotted bloom on the yesterday, today & tomorrow plant

and lastly as i was looking out over the other collection of pot plant i noticed a hippie in bloom

Sadly my other bulbs didn't do so well this year. I'm guessing they don't like being in pots. :(

Happy Sewing,


Julie said...

Gosh all your flowering plants are looking so pretty Jeanette - tehy must bring you so much pleasure - I love this time of year. I am sorry to read they have still not sorted your health issue ... did you know you can break or crack a rib from just sneezing. xx

Maria said...

So many gorgeous flowers !

Lin said...

Sorry about your health problem - I hope something is sorted out soon. Lovely flowers though to brighten your day. xx

loulee said...

Lovely to see all the spring flowers.

Fiona said...

I hope they work out what is causing you such pain soon..... the flowers are lovely...

kiwikid said...

Beautiful flowers at yours, the hippie is beautiful. The orchid is very pretty too. I hope your health issue is solved very soon for you.

Jeanna said...

Your flowers are gorgeous, Jeanette. I sure hope they figure out the health issue and it is an easy, quick healing.

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