Thursday, January 14, 2010

Another Christmas finish, Pattern & Good News.

Don't know how i forgot this photo yesterday but here is another thing i made in December. I won this pattern from Carole last year.  All the fabrics came in the pattern to make up the 3 Santa's and the sack.
Now for my good news. In a post last year i mentioned about my friend Cathy who's little boy passed away. Well at 5:30am this morning i got a text message to say that Cathy had given birth to a little girl at 12:07 this morning. I'm so pleased for my friends. Mind you this was one text message i didn't mind being woken up for. It wouldn't have even bothered me if the proud Dad text me at 1am to tell me.
Hugs, Jeanette


Joy said...

Oh Jeanette that's wonderful news!!! So pleased for your friend :o)!!
You've been a busy stitcher ... how cute are your Santas??!! I haven't seen that new pattern yet ... looks gorgeous, but then, BH's patterns always are :o).
Joy :o)

Joanne said...

Congratulation to your friend, what wonderful news to wake upto.
I love the new bag pattern, look forward to seeing the finished bags.

Joanne x

Unknown said...

What lovely news and a beautiful design from Bronwyn .

Dawn said...

Bronwyn hayes bags are so cute and who can resist a new bag!..Lol...
So happy for cathy and her hubby.... a new baby girl....Blessings to all the family...
Hugs Dawn x x x

Cath Ü said...

Jeanette.. wonderful to hear the good news... love that new pattern and your Santas are gorgeous...
Cath Ü

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...