Sunday, January 31, 2010

Finishes for January

Well i made it by the skin of my teeth but i have several finishes for January not to mention something made from teatowels for Jenny's January challenge.
This is a Christmas cup pattern from Bronwyn Hayes. At least its all ready for this year since i didn't quite get it done for last year.

This cute embroidered heart is from Rosalie Quinlans book, A Stitch In Time. I spotted this heart made up on a blog last year & mentioned that i had the book & wanted to make the heart. I was told i hope i was inspired to do so & here it is.(finally)
A Christmas bag from Teddlywinks. This is the front.
And the back.
3 Easter baskets. I had these prepared for my daughters for last Easter but they didn't get finished. Well i'm prepeared this year. Another cute Teddlywinks pattern.
This is the bag i made from teatowels. I changed the original pattern by making a large pocket at the front & used a stitchery pattern of Bronwyn Hayes.
Hugs, Jeanette


Cardygirl said...

You have been the tea towel bag& Christmas cup!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Oh my goodness, you forgot to sleep...well done on all your finishes that is amazing.....three cheers...Peg OPAM 2010

Cubby House Crafts said...

What beautiful sewing! I just love them all! Lisa

Deb said...

Jeanette, wow you have been busy. You must thrilled to have completed everything. They are all gorgeous. The wee Easter baskets especially cute.
hugs Deb

Maggey and Jim said...

Such a cute bag, did you enter it in Jenny's challenge?? A real winner..

Maggey and Jim said...

Opps!! I just read the header and see you did enter.. Good luck,

Melissa ;-) said...

You are quite the busy bee! Good job on so many finishes and they are all cute, too!

Anonymous said...

You put us all to shame. Just kidding! Congrats to you for such wonderful finishes. I love them all and really could not pick a favorite. Is it not a great feeling to accomplish something?


Cath Ü said...

Jeanette... everything is beautiful;.. I was just looking at your T Towel challenge on Jenny's blog and thought it might of been yours.. well done.. love it all..
Cath Ü

Sheila said...

You did an amazing job finishing off so many things , congratulations to you !! The tea towel bag is really sweet , love the stitchery on it .Sheila

Days and colors said...

Lovely finishes! The tea towel bag is pretty!

Joy said...

Jeanette you amaze me with all the stitching you get done!!! Just LOVE the red bag ... gorgeous stitchery ;o) - such a fabulous way to use a tea towel!!!
Joy :o)

Anita said...

You are a machine jeanette!! LOL
The projects are all just lovely!

Teddlywinks said...

Hi Jeanette! It's Liz from Teddlywinks here! I love your Christmas Treasures and Bunny Trail bags - it's great to see them made up and used! What lovely work you do.
Bear hugs,

Vintage Sandy said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and best of luck in my giveaway!

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...