This is one of the gifts i made Jenny in the Advent swap ran by Fiona & Jo.
White dove made of felt to hang in her tree
A covered tape measure.
Couldn't resist making this set for Jenny & Blossom for their special teas. It's a lovely teapot cover & coasters from Janelle Wind
This table runner was for the main gift.
I had such fun making these gifts for Jenny. There was a crosstitch book mark as well but seems i forgot to take a photo. Also thought there was another tree hanger but seems i didn't photograph that either. :(

These 3 tree hangers were made for 3 swaps i was in. One by Robyn & Clare which i sent to Wendy, one to Deb in Chookyblue's SSCS swap & the other was for a swap in a yahoogroup i'm in & it was for Khris. But now i can't remember who got which one.. :(
Handmade cards to go with the Christmas swaps.
Come back tomorrow for the next installment of photo's.
Hugs, Jeanette
Your gifts are so pretty. You did a beautiful job.
beautiful work just awesome
And they were beautiful gifts Jeanette. Thank you so much again, I loved them.
hugs Deb
your work is just so lovely. I just love the wall hanging you made and all the present for Jenny.
What amazing gifts the ladies who recieved them must of been over the moon.
The Janelle Wind teapot cover and coasters love georgous.
I'm off to your friends new blog now.
Beautiful work, lucky recipents!!
beautiful gifts sent to Deb for the SSCS.........thanks......
Jeanette,You do beautiful work and anyone who received them is lucky .
geez you out did have been a busy girl...hugs Khris
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