Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday’s flowers

Not many hexies bloomed this week. I only had a couple prepared in the 1”size. 

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2 pink ones in another flowering bulb. It bloomed since yesterday when i took my other flower photo’'s 5926

1 little 1/4” hiding in the real blooms. :)


Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I was hoping to show a few finishes but alas my machine picked a bad time to go on the fritz. Off to the sewing machine shop i went only to discover that it will be a couple weeks before i get it back. :(
So i’ll show you a few flowering plants &  bulbs in my garden instead.
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My hippeastrum in flower.
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A pink bottle brush. The birds love's 5923
The red bottlebrush is overloaded with flowers this year & very noisy with the birds in it.
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A lonely flower on the hibiscus.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hexagons & Things.

Well here it is Wednesday again. I wish time would stop flying by so darn quickly.

3 1/2” hexagons joined the garden this's 5918
3 1” hexagons & ….
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the bub – a 1/4”. The plant in the photo is a bonsai bougainvillea. I’ve been visiting that shop again.
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Great stand alone Amish novel.
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Succumbed to buying a Cath Kidston's 5910
This Tilda book &….
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this Tilda book.
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Whilst shopping came across these oh so cute coffee mugs. Just love Rachael Hale mugs. My daughter better not break these.
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Couldn’t resist this either. A slushie maker for summer. A margarita anyone?
I showed you 2 of the fur babies. So i’ll show you the 3rd one. Garfield is so cute.
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Watching T.V. wore him out
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So he took a nap in front of it.
Have a fabulous day.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Weekend

Saturday i was off on a bus trip with Vision Patchwork group. After leaving our pick-up point we headed west up the range to Gatton our first stop. Lovely patchwork shop there. Morning tea supplied by Gail & her staff. Despite the incentive of 25% off nothing really caught my eye at all. I wandered around & spotted some orange fabric & a repro which i bought as fat 1/4’s
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Then i mentioned to a fellow tourer about looking for repro’s & she said where she saw some fat 1/4’s. Back i went to look & discovered these. They’ll all look great in my quilts.
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Time to leave & head further up the range to Toowoomba. It’s the flower festival time there & as we headed to our next stop all the gorgeous Spring flowers were everywhere to see. Stopped at a quilt show but silly me forgot my camera. Some very gorgeous quilts on display there & a few vendors to visit
These lovely pinks & browns caught my eye on Nikki's stall.

We then had lunch & afterwoods headed out to Highfields, a small town outside of Toowoomba. This stop was to a bead shop. After that we went to the “Village Green” also at Highfields & visited a patchwork shop & a choccy shop. At the patchwork shop i bought these gorgeous fabrics.
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Spots & Chrissy fabrics. Sorry no photo of the choccies all was eaten after i got home. :)One final stop was at a church. Not a lot of got off the bus as we we very tired by this time. I did pop off & look at the plant stalls outside the church & came back with 2 plants.  Time to head home a very weary but happy traveller.
Sunday i got up to do this:
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I’ve got my sewing room back. :)'s 5914
I’m so happy. Now all my stuff is in the one room i may feel more like creating. :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesdays Flowers

I didn’t post last Wednesday as i was ill with the flu & tonsillitis. Was so bored with just lying around reading & sleeping. By Friday i was desperate to sew even though i was still ill & tired easily. So this is what i did's 5894

4 x 1” hexies. Still using the scrap basket but it’s getting harder to find pieces that i haven’t used on the 1” hexies that are still large enough.

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6 x 1/2” hexies,

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3 x 1/4” hexies. Took me all day just about. :)

Come this week & i spent Monday cutting out the hexie templates & Tuesday finding fabrics & cutting out. The result of this effort?

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4 more 1” hexies,

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3 x 1/2” hexies &

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a 1/4'” hexie. I added all my made up hexies & now have 62 x 1”, 27 x 1/2” & 10 x 1/4”.

Thought you might like to see my 2 cute fur babiesphoto's 5892

Lucy is a Blue point Siamese & Evie is a Seal point. They looked so cute sleeping there together.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I’m Late, I’m Late……

No not for a very important date. Yesterday was Clamshell day being the last day of August. All i managed to do again this month was get more prepared. :(photo's 5888
I was so hoping to have at least started to applique them down but life got in the way.
Today is the first day of spring here in Australia. Hope it warms up now. Being Wednesday it’s also hexagon's 5886
Made 4 1” one last night to make up for last weeks poor effort. :) All still being made from my scrap's 5887
3 1/2” ones & just 1 little 1/4” hexie. Not that you can see it very well against the cream doily.
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Recently Cori was showing this project she was working on. I just loved it so when she said the pattern was released i ordered it straight away.  Gorgeous applique.  Love the reds & greens. So springlike. Be nice to have it for spring/summer on a table on the verandah. :)
Kim had a giveaway recently & i won a gorgeous tablerunner pattern with a snowman to embroider in the middle. Maybe this one will be for next winter even though i don’t get snow where i live. Lol.
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Have a fabulous day, Jeanette
PS: I've been having problems with comments not being forwarded by Blogger to my inbox. If i don't reply to the comments left it's not because i don't wish to it's because i can't. I appreciate everyone stopping by & taking the time to leave comments.

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...