Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Flower Wednesday

Wednesday seems to arrive faster every week. I do wish time would slow down a bit. I managed 4 by 1" hexies this week, 4 by 1/2" hexies & 1 tiny 1/4" hexie. My bonus son decided he needed to change my windows xp to windows 7 on my computer. Not happy as  i can't find a darn thing & also have to re-install or download heaps of things. I didn't want it done on this computer as i'm getting a new one in a few weeks & now will have to do everything again. Grrr. Still trying to find where windows live writer is.



Karen said...

Pretty flowers and I like your blanket, very colourful!

Kate said...

Hi Jeanette,,,You have made some beautiful flowers again this week.How many have you done now? I am hoping to win that Go Cutter,,,dreaming too...Just reading the first book in the Elm Tree Quilt trilogy and loving it.Love your book suggestions too..keep them coming,,Kate xx said...

Wonderful hexies, you really did well this week. Love the knitted blanket they leay on, too!
I hope you don't have to spend too much time repairing Windows...
Greetings, Cisca

Narelle said...

Lovely flowers ... especially like the purple/lilac ones.

Anonymous said...

Ji Jeanette,
What a happy, bright and inspirational blog you have,
I love the header on your blog (so pretty cats), your crochet, your embroidery, your hexis...
You are a very talented lady.
Very nice indeed

Gerda Hartman said...

Lovely flowers and I can imagine you are not happy with what they have done with your computer.

Paula said...

Hi Jeanette, Some lovely flowers you have done and a beautiful crochet blanket.
Yeh computers can be pain in....

But enjoy your stitching.

Theresa said...

Lovely flowers Jeanette the 1/4" one is especially sweet.

Brigitte said...

Plaid and paisley always call out to me. I don't know if I'll ever have the gusts to try a 1/4" hexie.

Lee Prairie Designs said...

Thanks for sharing your fun flowers. This is such a fun project and we have "Karen" to thank for her organizing this neat event and share with our other hexie flower friends from all over the world!

Carolyn :)

Valentina said...

Oh Computer woes.. terrible! My heart goes out to you!
But your little blooms are just gorgeous, well done, Jeanette!
Lovely to finally be able to catch up with you,

Renate Bischoff said...

Your Flowers are lovely.
When I am reading your blog I always think I have to cut out some smaller templates. The little hexies are so cute!

Kunzfrau said...

Lovely Flowers! 1/4" are so sweet!


sunny said...

Very nice flowers! I'm just getting started with hexies, and I love seeing everyone else's color combinations.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Beautiful flowers! What will you be making with the 1/4" flower?

Wendy said...

Aw, such a sweet tiny hexie. I'm wondering what you will be making with that one too.

Anne-Mettes Oaser said...

Nine flowers - no wonder the week is short ;-)). Great job.

Joan said...

Lovely flowers - and goodness its Wednesday again tomorrow :)

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...