Tuesday, June 28, 2011


 .... my name is Jeanette & i'm addicted to buying fabrics, books, patterns & goodies. I think i need help. :) Lol.

I tried to resist, i really did.  But i keep seeing cute things on blogs from Natalies book. Just loved the Christmas ideas in Rosalie's book. After seeing a few versions of this quilt i "needed" to get this pattern below myself as it is very cute.
Also arriving in the mail last week was Shell's next pattern in her little houses along with those yummy choccies & teabag.
Shell wraps up the goodies so lovely. I unwrapped the pattern for the photo but left the threads wrapped up so you can see how pretty it looks. :)

I purchased a few bits & pieces from Cath & Marg at our retreat.
Some Christmas fabrics from Marg to make a table runner. The blue piece is for a bag & the others because i liked them.
Love the cute softies & i can't pass by anything with embroidery.

Barb was making mug bags at retreat & as i needed a new one i got one from her. She didn't have any with cats on the front so i chose this one
Just 2 of my favourite things.
The week before Shez let me know my Christmas swap parcel was on its way & i opened my door either Monday or Tuesday to find a huge parcel sitting there.
Now i have to be good & not peek until Christmas. (i haven't looked Shez). Our swap arranged by the lovely Cheryll was to be a sack & 2 gifts for the first month , then 2 gifts every month until we have 12 to open at Christmas.
 My sack full of goodies. Thanks again Shez.

Lastly i'd seen Phoebe the elephant made up in beautiful fabric on Helens blog & loved it. I finally rang Tereasa & asked her could she send me the pattern & kit please. It arrived yesterday.
So can anyone direct me to some sort of quilters anonymous group for help? Although not everything i've shown i bought. Lol

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, June 25, 2011

1 Xmas item

On the 25th of the month Narelle hosts her 1 Xmas item a month. Pop over to visit her blog to see what everyone has made. My effort this month is a bag from a Janelle Wind pattern.
Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Flower Day

I only managed to add 3 & 1/2 flowers to my Vignette Hexagon quilt this week. I had hoped to add more to my other hexagon quilt top but it didn't even get a look in.
Last night i decided to get out my baby hexagons & try to work out what i'd do with them. I laid them out & thought a few more needed. As i was making the last of the 5 it occured to me exactly how i'll turn them into a little quilt. Stay tuned for that. :)
Just as well i'm not making more of thses flowers as those tiny papers won't take to being used much longer.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Retreat at Mount Alford Lodge was fabulous again. Thanks ladies for a wonderful weekend. After setting up & sewing for quite a while we were called for the first fabulous meal of the weekend. We sat down to Chicken parmigiana, roast potato & sweet potato, broccoli & cauliflower in white sauce & peas & carrots.
 Dessert was crepes with a yummy orange sauce that tasted like liquid marmalade & ice cream.
Supper was left in the lounge area for us both nights which consisted of white & chocolate tim tams & another biscuit that i don't know the name of.
Saturday & Sunday saw all of us busily sewing. Some completed projects & some didn't. I'd taken along all my bag ufo's & managed to get the outsides worked on which is what i set out to do.
Marg made several of this style of lovely runner. Quick & simple to do. I've bought fabrics to make some myself. :)
Barb did finish this gorgeous runner. I just took the photo to early. :) I also have the pattern to make this & the fabrics. lol. Barb also made this lovely note book cover.
Cath put together several lovely things. This table topper being one of them
These gorgeous table runners
this super cute bag
& this little bag for holding scraps
Julie made this beautiful bag
& Jody made this cute little bag
Didn't manage to photograph what Bev made but i got Maree's charity quilt,
& table runner
& the stunning quilt top Cindy spent the weekend making her self,
Didn't get all of what Helen was making but i did get a photo of this,
The food all weekend was fabulous as always. I did take photo's but i think this posting is photo heavy enough. But i'll add one more,
All the lovely ladies: Cindy, Maree, Deb, Barb, Helen, Marg, Bev, Julie, Cath & Jody whom i've cut off. Sorry Jody.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, June 17, 2011

S is for.......

...... sweet,

the next letter in the BOM & can be found here.

S is also for so long, see ya later as i'm off for a weekend away. Look all packed
I'm of to Mt Alford with a lovely group of ladies for a great weekend of relaxation, sewing & fabulous food. I've a feeling it will be freezing there but there is a lovely fire place in the main building to help keep us warm. :)

My lovely Ruby jelly roll arrived yesterday. :)
Along with these charm squares from Jane. I bought this pattern from Michelle but forgot to post about it the other day.

Michelle's new pattern with lots of lovely embroidery of bears & tea things.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hexie Day

Last night i worked on my Vignette hexagons & managed to get 7 more made.
I love the bright colours.

I was going to do a post yesterday but i'm glad i waited because these arrived in the mail yesterday.
Delicious fat 1/4's of Ruby in flannel &
a charm square pack. Last night i went back to Jane's & ordered the jelly roll. Still want the cotton fat 1/4 pack though. :) Jane also included these charm squares
Shell posted the latest heart stitchery of her BOM the other day & i've got it all stitched up.
I've been wanting for quite some time to get myself a pair of Doc Marten's but for one reason or another put off buying them. Well recently i decided the time was right & these are the pair i bought.
Couldn't be any other colour but purple. :) lol. Found this gorgeous box the other day.

Couldn't resist buying it.hee hee

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Books & fabric

I recently bought these books to aid me in ideas for a crazy patchwork round robin that i'm doing with some good friends. Over the years we've done all sorts of beautiful RR's but this is the first time we've tried a crazy patchwork RR. Should be fun & i'm looking forward to seeing what we each make for our 1st block & what each of us makes for the others.
The reason i went into Ipswich Friday was this,
Puttin' On The Ritz layer cake i bought from Jane. I must have been out when the parcelman called or when he knocked. Hope i'm home when the next parcel from Jane arrives as it's inconvenient having to go into Ipswich for parcels now instead of my local PO. Jane also included these lovely 5" squares in the parcel.
Whilst in Ipswich i went to Bargain Box for more fabric to finish off some other bags. I didn't realise they were having 20% off or i'd bought more fabrics. :) lol.
These are what i did buy. I also visited a little shop that sells all sorts of vintage/antique goodies & came home with these,
Not a matching set but close enough for me. I thought them really sweet.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Pinmoors & a finish

Although i started late sewing Thursday i did finish a bag. No sewing on Friday as i had to go into Ipswich but more on that later. A while back i bought Pinmoors to try out but just haven't had a chance to. As i needed to baste the bag i was sewing i decided it was time to try the Pinmoors.
The Pinmoors just get pushed onto the end of normal sewing pins.
I had a little difficulty getting the ends of the pins to stick up to push the Pinmoors on. I used bag wadding so maybe that is why. I shall try the Pinmoors through 3 layers with normal wadding on another project before i decide if i like them or not.
All done. :)
The bag front &

The back. Another gawjus pattern by the lovely Joy.

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...