Tuesday, June 28, 2011


 .... my name is Jeanette & i'm addicted to buying fabrics, books, patterns & goodies. I think i need help. :) Lol.

I tried to resist, i really did.  But i keep seeing cute things on blogs from Natalies book. Just loved the Christmas ideas in Rosalie's book. After seeing a few versions of this quilt i "needed" to get this pattern below myself as it is very cute.
Also arriving in the mail last week was Shell's next pattern in her little houses along with those yummy choccies & teabag.
Shell wraps up the goodies so lovely. I unwrapped the pattern for the photo but left the threads wrapped up so you can see how pretty it looks. :)

I purchased a few bits & pieces from Cath & Marg at our retreat.
Some Christmas fabrics from Marg to make a table runner. The blue piece is for a bag & the others because i liked them.
Love the cute softies & i can't pass by anything with embroidery.

Barb was making mug bags at retreat & as i needed a new one i got one from her. She didn't have any with cats on the front so i chose this one
Just 2 of my favourite things.
The week before Shez let me know my Christmas swap parcel was on its way & i opened my door either Monday or Tuesday to find a huge parcel sitting there.
Now i have to be good & not peek until Christmas. (i haven't looked Shez). Our swap arranged by the lovely Cheryll was to be a sack & 2 gifts for the first month , then 2 gifts every month until we have 12 to open at Christmas.
 My sack full of goodies. Thanks again Shez.

Lastly i'd seen Phoebe the elephant made up in beautiful fabric on Helens blog & loved it. I finally rang Tereasa & asked her could she send me the pattern & kit please. It arrived yesterday.
So can anyone direct me to some sort of quilters anonymous group for help? Although not everything i've shown i bought. Lol

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

lol Jeanette you are so funny but it sounded like me at the start,i need help also,lol.
Guess what i just bought the same book and for the same reason ,everywhere you look you see the embroidered owls or the toadstools,how funny.
And i love seeing all the goodies that you buy,that elephant kit looks great i have also seen the elephant made up and about on sites and it is so cute.

Linda said...

Look at all your goodies!!! you got some really nice patterns. I think your in good company with your problem! :-)

Cat said...

I hear you Jeanette oh boy do I hear you !! !!
Did you see my stash on my photo of Narnia?!

Michelle Ridgway said...

I don't think there is a 12 step program for troubled quilters. LOL!
Anyway there are worse things you could spend your money on...at least we create something wonderful from it all and even it share it sometimes...win/win for me.

Michelle said...

If you find an AA for quilters let me know I'm sure my husband will sign me up:O)
I love all your goodies!

Fee said...

OMG you've got it bad girl - LOL When you find that club please let me know too - I am hopeless and try to delete "SALE" e-mails beore I read them now - Just to give myself 1/2 a chance but I normally drag them out of the deleted items folder - Because I can't help myself !!

Hugs - Fee X

Allie said...

Oh my goodness - you ARE addicted - but it must be nice to know you're not alone, lol!!! Lovely post!


Es precioso todo el material que compraste!!!! una no se puede resistir ante tanba belleza....yo también compro a veces demasiado...luego no hay tiempo de hacer tantas cosas ¿verdad?: Besos


Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

This is not an illness, it's therapy. "Retail Therapy." Buying quilting and stitching stuff is the best kind of therapy where as we share the benefits with friends and family. :) See...it's good! hee,hee,hee.
xx, shell

Bev C said...

Hello Jeanette,

You will be too busy making all those goodies up to go to a meeting for addicts.
happy days.

Sheila said...

You put a smile on my face Jeanette , I think we all have the same problem we need to live to be at least 1000 to get all we want to get done but hey then there would be more added to our list ;-0 Enjoy , looks like you really got some wonderful goodies.

Cheryll said...

There's nothing wrong with having this addiction!
OOOHHHH such eye candy! makes me want to run out and buy something... oh I think i caught it already from you! lol
Now there are two of us! Enjoy!

Tess said...

Hey Jeanette, you know what happens to addicts? They open shops. Thankyou for keeping the industry going...we need more like you.lol

Isabella said...

I agree your addicted

Sew Useful Designs said...

Oh Jeanette - you make me giggle!! I actually feel so much better knowing that I'm not the only one who is an avid collector of patterns and addicted to all things fabric!!! I have so many patterns and magazines that I could open a craft store!!! I love all of your goodies and look forward to seeing them all made up - in due course - of course!!!!

Big quilty hugs! Vikki xoxoxoxo

Cath Ü said...

Hey don't look to me to set you on the path to recovery.... you are a good customer... LOL

Cath Ü

Vicki ♥ said...

I am glad I am not the only one and I think its a good thing as they are all fabulous goodies :) Lots of yumminess there Jeanette :) hugs Vicki xx

rosie said...

I think most of us are exactly the same!! But I have just read somewhere that if we buy all these things now, when we retire and have no money, we will be set!! I think that makes a whole lot of sense!!

noodleBubble said...

LOVELY ! Had to scroll back up to the date (just found your blog) when you said Christmas Swap Parcel - but what a lovely idea!

noodleBubble x

Research papers said...

Wow you are really addicted but count me in too! Great work thanks for sharing.

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