Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hexie Day

Last night i worked on my Vignette hexagons & managed to get 7 more made.
I love the bright colours.

I was going to do a post yesterday but i'm glad i waited because these arrived in the mail yesterday.
Delicious fat 1/4's of Ruby in flannel &
a charm square pack. Last night i went back to Jane's & ordered the jelly roll. Still want the cotton fat 1/4 pack though. :) Jane also included these charm squares
Shell posted the latest heart stitchery of her BOM the other day & i've got it all stitched up.
I've been wanting for quite some time to get myself a pair of Doc Marten's but for one reason or another put off buying them. Well recently i decided the time was right & these are the pair i bought.
Couldn't be any other colour but purple. :) lol. Found this gorgeous box the other day.

Couldn't resist buying it.hee hee

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

jeanette what lovely buys and whow your Doc Martins look awesome,have a great day

Karen said...

I love the bright colours too! And, all the other goodies. Check out those purple shoes!!!

Linda said...

Jeanette, I'm so green that you can buy Ruby already. I don't think we can buy it until October in the U.S. Lucky!!! :-) I'm so buying anything I can get my hands on when it comes out! I love that fabric! Can't wait to see what you make!!

Michelle Ridgway said...

Beaut buys! Love your purple Docs!

Allie said...

Oh my - gorgeous flowers, gorgeous fabrics, gorgeous Doc Martin's, gorgeous heart. And gorgeous box. What a happy post!

Gerda Hartman said...

I love your flowers, such beautiful colours. The fabric is lovely too and your boots are stunning!

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Oh girl, I don't know what I am most jealous of - the Doc Martin's or the Ruby flannels!!! Be still my beating heart! ;-)

Marieke said...

Wow: what great flowers. They are beautiful. I count 7 though: which is a good score for just a night!

Pat said...

Bright flowers! I love the center one the best.

Sheila said...

Such pretty bright colors Jeanette , love them ! Those Docs are pretty cool and I think you will find them extremely comfortable too ,enjoy! hugs Sheila

Sheila said...
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Maria said...

Oh yes love the bright Hexies and the Doc Matins and the fabrics.
Lucky You.

Birdie said...

Love the bright stripes and polka dots, I am envious of your boots.

Kate said...

I just love love love the bright colours in the Hexies...They are fantastic..Gorgeus fabric and boots,,,great post...Kate xx

Michelle said...

Ooh la la I want me some of those Docs! The hexies look fab!

Hilachas said...

Wow! Love those hexie flower colors.

Nata said...

Super deine Blumen! Tolle Farben!

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