Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Retreat at Mount Alford Lodge was fabulous again. Thanks ladies for a wonderful weekend. After setting up & sewing for quite a while we were called for the first fabulous meal of the weekend. We sat down to Chicken parmigiana, roast potato & sweet potato, broccoli & cauliflower in white sauce & peas & carrots.
 Dessert was crepes with a yummy orange sauce that tasted like liquid marmalade & ice cream.
Supper was left in the lounge area for us both nights which consisted of white & chocolate tim tams & another biscuit that i don't know the name of.
Saturday & Sunday saw all of us busily sewing. Some completed projects & some didn't. I'd taken along all my bag ufo's & managed to get the outsides worked on which is what i set out to do.
Marg made several of this style of lovely runner. Quick & simple to do. I've bought fabrics to make some myself. :)
Barb did finish this gorgeous runner. I just took the photo to early. :) I also have the pattern to make this & the fabrics. lol. Barb also made this lovely note book cover.
Cath put together several lovely things. This table topper being one of them
These gorgeous table runners
this super cute bag
& this little bag for holding scraps
Julie made this beautiful bag
& Jody made this cute little bag
Didn't manage to photograph what Bev made but i got Maree's charity quilt,
& table runner
& the stunning quilt top Cindy spent the weekend making her self,
Didn't get all of what Helen was making but i did get a photo of this,
The food all weekend was fabulous as always. I did take photo's but i think this posting is photo heavy enough. But i'll add one more,
All the lovely ladies: Cindy, Maree, Deb, Barb, Helen, Marg, Bev, Julie, Cath & Jody whom i've cut off. Sorry Jody.

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

what fun it makes me wish i was there,its very inspiring seeing all the lovely things that everyone has made,and what a great group of friends having heaps of fun,thankyou Jeanette for showing your pics,great post.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Looks like a fabulous time! Yummy food and fellowship! :)
xx, shell

Miss Holly said...

Really...is there anything more fun than stitching!!! What fun you all had !!

merumo said...

Thank you for sharing such fun pictures! I see you all had a wonderful time together with all kinds of goodies!! Good for you :)))

Vicki ♥ said...

Looks like everyone got lots done and sounds like there was yummy food too :) Glad you all had a fab weekend :) hugs Vicki

Kim said...

What a fun weekend!!!!!!!!!

Allie said...

That looks like a great, productive weekend - the food looks divine! Glad you had a good time and that you got done what you wanted to! Love all those projects, wow.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Looks like a wonderful time was had by all with lots and lots of lovely stitching done. It all looks beautiful and the food...Yummo! Stitching with friends is the best isn't it!

Roseanne said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time and got lot of sewing done. all that food look yummy.

Wendyb said...

Retreats are so much fun....and so much was done.... congratulations.... everything looks wonderful.
I'm hungry just looking at that food!!!! mmmmmmmm
sugary hugs Jeanette
XXX Wendy :O)

Linda said...

Looks like it was a wonderful time,! The food looks so good too! :-)

Joy said...

What a fabulous retreat!!! Looks like you all got lots made too :o). The food looks delish, looks like you got looked after REALLY well :o).
Yummm .... Tim Tams ;o)!!!
Joy :o)

Sheila said...

It sure looks like it was a fabulous weekend Jeanette ,wow such great food and all those wonderful projects ,the girls were really productive ,thanks for sharing .

Cath Ü said...

Thanks for coming along to the retreat... It was fun having you sitting next to me and hey I look like a patchworker in those pics... LOL

Cath Ü

Cath Ü said...

Hey Jeanette... foundout that biscuit is called a Jaffa cake..... they certainly were delicious.....

Cath Ü

FlourishingPalms said...

It was nice to see your good food, the quilters, and their projects. But I must ask... in the photo of Julie with her bag, what IS that tall bottle at the back of her sewing machine? Might it be wine?! Methinks you all had a REALLY fun time!

Susan said...

I know so well how much you would have enjoyed that weekend - I go there every year for a reteat and would go every weekend if I could!! And my weekend is not far away - just a wedding to get out of the way first!

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