Wednesday, July 6, 2011

2 more finishes

 Despite having my day shortened by having to go to the Dr's & then sit there waiting for ages to get in i did managed to finish 2 more bags yesterday. I really don't know why they make appointments at Dr's i've yet to get in on time. :(

One side of "housework". Another lovely Joypatch pattern
& the other.
This bag pattern of Joy's is called "shopping". Lovely big bag to hold all my goodies.

Oh yes. I told a lie yesterday. :) I actually bought 3 things from the Hand made market but i forgot all about this one.
My charm bracelet. Next time i go i'll get beads to go in between the charms. I chose a teapot because i love all things tea, a seahorse because they are so cute, the battle axe because i play World Of Warcraft, the cat because i love cats :), the rose, well i love them too & the leaf because i liked the filigree look of it.

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

Jeanette you are the bag queen and your bracelet is gorgeous and i had to laugh my brother plays world of warcraft he plays it alot

Sheila said...

Two more great bags Jeanette and I love the bracelet. hugs

Wendyb said...

I know what you mean about waiting for the doctors Jeanette.....most times for me it's a 2 hour minimum wait....I got in once after a few minutes and they nearly had to put the heart monitor on me!!!!! LOL
Love that charm bracelet .... beautiful charms, and your JoyPatch bags.....I've got the patterns....on the to do list!!! hehehe
sugary hugs
Wendy :O) XX

Linda said...

Two more beautiful bags! I love how nice and big Joy is. Great for holding lots of goodies!

Allie said...

Beautiful bags!!! Yes, I'd like to know why they make appointments also, maybe they should just say "be there mid-week". Your charm bracelet is just darling! I hope you're feeling better hon, migraines are NO FUN.

Joy said...

Shez is right, you're the bag queen for sure lol. Gosh, how many more are there he he he??? Yay for you finishing all those UFOs, you're amazing :o). Love the bracelet too, it's very 'you' :o).
Joy :o)

Michelle Ridgway said... bring a whole new meaning to the expression 'bag lady' LOL! Very, very nice.I do hope you are feeling better. Migraines are the pits, as is anything that cuts into our stitching time.
Look after yourself,
Michelle xx

Roseanne said...

Love your bags. they look very nice and very big lot of room in there for your junk as my DH would say LOL...

Research papers said...

You are really creative and talented.My mother also stitches bags and clothes.Thank you for sharing the pictures with us!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Beatiful bracelet. I love the leaf charm. Your bags are wonderful!
xx, shell

Sandra Henderson said...

Lovely bags Jeanette!~Oh.... I LOVE charm bracelets! this is a very pretty one! Great find!

Bev C said...

Hello Jeanette,

hope you are feeling heaps better. Making bags seems to be your forte.
Love that they are big, so you can go and do lots of shopping. Your charm bracelet is lovely, great choice of charms.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Happy days.

donna said...

I so agree with you about Dr's. appointments. Your bags are great.

Tara K said...

Love the bags... I made lots myself.... :)

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...