Wednesday, July 27, 2011

One Flower Day

Been a while since i posted about my flower garden quilt. I'm slowly making progress.
I think i only have 1 or 2 more rows to go & then all my flowers will have been added. Not sure what i'll do with it then. Whether i'll add more flower & stones or just leave it the size it is & make a lap quilt out of it or use it on a table.

Happy Stitching,


Cat said...

Jeanette this is absolutely simply adorable!
I have a hexie quilt I made when I was a 6th former (way back when) I'm wanting to modernise it and start using it again .. .. .. just don't know where to start.


pamkennison said...

Oh Wow Jeanette, that is great. Im just starting one, or getting the courage to start one lol. How long did it take you? Really cool.



Anonymous said...

looks great Jeanette i love the colours,well done

Cheryll said...

Jeanette, Jeanette, how does your garden grow?
FAST... I say!
These hexies look GrEaT! :)

Linda said...

Just gorgeous!! You've mad such wonderful progress!!

Karen said...

Excellent progress! Whatever size it ends up, it will be wonderful. For the table sounds nice.

Allie said...

So beautiful - you've made great progress!

annemieke said...

It looks very nice your garden , happy stitching.

Quilting Chemist (Danette) said...

Love your garden! How long has it taken you to put so many flowers in your garden - Beautiful! (I just started doing hexie flowers this month)

Nata said...

Sieht toll aus!

PolkaDotClassic said...

It looks Great!
very nice flowers :)

Sheila said...

What ever you decide to do Jeanette is looks wonderful , just love all those colors !!hugs

Wendy said...

It's very pretty!

Dolly Cloth said...

your garden looks great

Michelle Ridgway said...

Your Hexie garden looks great. I just love how these quilts look....doesn't seem to matter whether they have a modern or vintage spin in the fabrics used they always like lovely. Yum!

Angelikas quilts and knits said...

your flowergarden is very lovely :-)

rosie said...

Jeanette, your flower garden quilt is looking spectacular..

Barb said...

Your flowers look awesome!

Maria said...

Your Hexie Garden looks great. I am looking forward to seeing how you finish it.

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...