Friday, July 22, 2011

Bits & Pieces

One of my cats loves to squeeze into small or unusual spaces. The other night found him under the computer table. The shelf is very narrow but he slept for hours there without falling off.

 Every year we make a trek to a bush lemon tree that we found beside a road out in the country. They make the best lemon butter. Recently we picked the last of them.
The lemon butter doesn't last long in my house. I manged to get a photo of a bottle from the last batch. I'll be making more tomorrow as i've had requests for a bottle of it.
A friend grows lemonade fruit & recently gave me some.
I squeeze them to make lemonade although they are quite delicious to eat.
Very refreshing lemonade. Pity it wasn't summer as it would be great then.

A couple of weeks ago Bec mentioned on her blog she was selling off fabrics, patterns & books. I bought her stash of Civil War/Repro fabrics. :)
Lots of yummy fabrics. :)

I've been working on this pattern from Shell
And bought these patterns & Cosmo thread.
I need a new armchair caddy as mine is years old now & wearing out.

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

Jeanette what lovely buys you got and what you do with the lemons is amazing what is homemade lemonade like and is it quick to make,well done,i feel like i have been watching masterchef and i have been shopping with you,great post.

Allie said...

I've never heard of lemon butter~! Why is it cats get into the most unlikely places and stay there...mine is half on a chair right now, one leg hanging over, looking like she might fall. She's been there for an hour.

Good buy on the fabrics and patterns!

JoAnna said...

Tell me about this lemon butter. What is in it? I love lemon and it sounds like I would want to spread this on EVERYTHING!

Helen said...

Great fabrics Jeanette. My Mum always made lemon butter when I was young and it was so yummy.


Fiona said...

This year was the first year I was introduced to bush lemons... I didn't think of lemon butter but they have been nice just chopped and added to my water bottle.... and the occasional gin and tonic!! Lovely fabrics... I have bought from Bec before... good bargains...

Linda said...

Lemons and lemonade looks so good and refreshing!! Gorgeous CW fabric! Love your latest stitchery block!

Sheila said...

I must say I have not heard of lemon butter but it sure sounds delicious and so does the lemonade , could use some of that about now , pretty hot and humid here today .Lovely fabrics , weren't you lucky to get those and as always I love your stitcheries .
Hugs Sheila

Cath Ü said...

Good to see you are really cutting down Jeanette...on buying things... LOL Nice fabrics there... yes lemon butter is very yummy... Have some here from Marg.... we are eating or making hot lemon drinks from the last of the lemons we got from retreat... they are so delicious and juicy....
Cath Ü

Michelle Ridgway said...

My daughter would go mad for that lemon butter. Bush lemons seem to make a great version. Love your buys!

rosie said...

Love lemon butter, and lemon cordial.. That pattern looks like it will make up a lovely stitching companion..

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...