Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Blooms, a finish, & stitcheries.

It's Wednesday again already. Not sure where the time has gone again. I haven't posted about the Vignette hexies in a while but i've been adding to them slowly.
Here's what i've done so far.
Love the bright colours of this fabric range.
I changed the top slightly from when i posted about it 2 weeks ago. I removed one of the stones from the sets of 3 i had on the sides. I then made 1/2 blooms & 1/2 hexagon steps & added them along the sides. Just have to finish the ends & it's ready to quilt.
There was a complaint my red dishcloth was too small(it wasn't). I decided to add more stitches to this one & then discovered when the red one was used the cotton stretched. As i'd already knitted a fair bit of this one i wasn't going to pull it out. I made it rectangular in shape but i'm not happy with it.
Latest block in Michelle's BOM &
the latest block from Paula's BOM.
I'll leave you with some flowers from my garden.
This last little geranium bloom is from cuttings only about 2 months old. I wasn't sure any of them would actually take but the all did. Yay.
Happy Stitching,


Fiona said...

You have got lots done.... love the hexie fabrics you have used... I'm sure the dishcloth still works ok??? and I love both of those stitcheries... been meaning to do them (amongst others!!) so lovely to see the flowers coming out... great pictures

Karen said...

Yes, a beautiful fabric range for your Vignette hexies and I like how you finished the edge of your garden. Have fun quilting!

Sheila said...

Your hexies are looking great Jeanette , it will be a beautiful quilt . As always the stitcheries are lovely too . Gorgeous flowers growing in your garden :-)

Anonymous said...

Jeanette, you're living my dream life, lol: crafting and cooking!! How I envy you.

Your work is truly magnificent :)

Renate Bischoff said...

You have been very busy and your flowers are really lovely.

rosie said...

I am loving your hexie quilt Jeanette.. I haven't done much on mine lately, so must get back to it..
Isn't it great when cuttings 'take'..

Quilting Chemist (Danette) said...

Such colorful flowers; your quilt is BEAUTIFUL!

Helen said...

Wow they look terrific and I love your beautiful flowers.


Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

Love the bright colors of your hexagons and the quilt top is beautiful!!


this looks all beautyfull

Melody said...

Wow, so much gorgeous stitching. Beautiful flowers, both real and hexie.

Anonymous said...

love the hexies Jeanette and i found the cotton that i was buying at big W was terrible for stretching,so now i buy panda cotton blend from Lindcraft at $3.99 a ball and it is great no stretching.I start with 51 sts on 4.5 needles and do k1,p1

Maria said...

It is so nice to see all the flowers form into a beautiful garden. looks fabulous.

Your real flowers look lovely too.

Unknown said...

Love what you did to Square up your Quilt...
Beautiful Hexies..Well Done.

Dayla said...

lovely hexagons, I have sent the link to a friend who is making some. Your blog is inspiring me to get into sewing the way I did before we moved house. I just find I can't seem to get back into it yet. But I will.

Becky G said...

My o my... these are beautiful! Love them.

Hilachas said...

Wow! You've done a lot of sewing. Your garden looks lovely.

Christine said...

Your hexie quilt looks fabulous. I love the way you have set it.

Lee Prairie Designs said...

Love your flowers!!!

Your hexie quilt is delightful, thanks for sharing...I have to get in gear and start making hexies again---sorta have been behind!

:) Carolyn

FlourishingPalms said...

So am I correct in understanding that you have TWO hexie quilts going? One you have the top done - and I love that one! - and the other is "vignettes" that are on-going? Those are sure pretty flowers. I think you must be a fiend for hexies! I mean that as a compliment. I wish I liked EPP so much to make that many hexie flowers! I've never done any.

Linda said...

Just beautiful hexies!! Just a gorgeous quilt!!

Lilian said...

Wow...lovely flowers.....:)

Julie said...

Love the Hexies, they look fabulous! I suppose even tho complaining, the red dish cloth was actually being used by someone other than you!!!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Your hexies are looking soooooooo pretty!
xx, shell

Valentina said...

Love your hexies quilt, Jeanette! Congratulations on a great finish! wow, well done. :)

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...