Friday, September 30, 2011


Just realised it's been over a week since i last posted. My how time flies when you are having fun. :)
This is what was in the parcel from Shell. Gorgeous felts & matching valdani threads. Shell also gave me copies of the patterns she was using for her folk art fusion workshop.
I'll have to get the tree done for Christmas. :) The time came on Saturday to check on the Limoncello. I'm happy to report is tastes fantastic.
This i what the recipe ended up making. Looking through recipe magazines recently i found a recipe for blood orange curd. As i love blood oranges i was hoping i could find some in the shops. Fortunately the local fruit shop had them for sale. I gave the curd a try & it's so yummy. Wish the recipe made more. :)
All i got was this & another smaller bottle. Lot's of goodies have been arriving at my home of late.
Rosie sent me these beautiful hand made cloths as a RAK. I was so thrilled & greatly appreciated them. I recently took part in the The keeper swap over at Sandy's. My partner was Lisa. These are the lovely goodies she sent me.
A lovely pinkeeper,
a needle keeper & scissor holder.
The inside of the needle keeper. Thankyou for the lovely goodies Lisa & thankyou to Sandy for hosting the swap. Sandy showed this pattern recently on her blog & when it was finally for sale in her online shop i bought it.
I've seen so many good comments about The Help. Not only for the book but the movie. I bought the book & it's a fabulous read.
This pattern arrived a day or so ago,
along with these,
The latest pattern for the Christmas Club. A gorgeous pillow by Michelle.
Sorry about the photo. I was trying not to get the flash spot from the camera. It is Birds In the Meadow fabric storage boxes by Melissa. When the pattern arrived the quilt card was included.
I'd seen this mentioned on a blog somewhere & went to look the story about it on Megan's blog. I liked the idea of the fun calender. These gorgeous fabrics from Fee also arrived in the last couple of days.
Not sure what i'll use them in yet. I'll leave you with a photo of my cat chilling on the back stairs.
His paw is actually resting on the stair.

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

whow Jeanette what a post ,first i love all the goodies you have bought ,gee our taste's are so simaliar,i want to come and live with you and play with all your goodies,lol.
What a beautiful RAK gift from Rosie and love your scissor keep swap parcel.what a great week at your house Jeanette.

Cheryll said...

WOW is correct... what lovelies in this post.... yummo ! :)

Terry said...

Lots of lovely goodies you got! But I have to say I think my favorite is that calendar! LOL

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Yummo on the orange curd and the limoncello...wish I could pop round for a taste test! :-)
Lovely goodies you got too!!

Anonymous said...

So many delicious things! That scissor holder! The fabric! the Help! (Hoping to see the movie next week, I loved the novel) and the curd!!! You've inspired me to MAKE.

Bev C said...

Hello Jeanette,

A great post,lots of lovely items have arrived at your home. I think the cat is making sure they don't leave your home.
Have a great weekend.

Valentina said...

What a delicious post, Jeanette! What lovely patterns, gifts and wow, that curd left me wondering... :) Thanks for sharing; and I need to go and find out more about that calendar! :)

Julie said...

Your post delivery person must be on first name terms with you Jeanette! Singlehandedly keeping him/her in a job, what a selfless thing you are doing! Keep up the good work!

marina said...

lots and lots of loveliness there! Missed seeing the Help, maybe the book may be another option.
We have a blood orange tree in our backyard. I once made syrup for pancakes-yummm.
Ours never come as red as the shop bought oranges.

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...