Friday, September 9, 2011

A finish

A couple of years back i started to make a conscious effort to change my lifestyle. One of the things was to stop using bought dishcloths. I started to knit my own but with all things lost interest. However i didn't return to buying the dishcloths i bought knitted ones off someone else. :) A week ago i got the cloth out & finished it.
I started a 2nd one the same night & it's about 1/2 knitted. I also finished putting the top together of Tis The Season. Now to get it quilted.

Happy Stitching,


Melody said...

Amazing doilys, well done.

GardenOfDaisies said...

What pretty crocheted doilies!! I don't think I'll ever be able to make anything so beautiful. But I have been crocheting my own dishcloths. Your pink knit one turned out great!!

Allie said...

I crochet my dishcloths, just love them, they just fit my hand better than the flimsy store-bought ones. Your Tis the Season is lovely!! And congrats on your ebay find, I have a ton of those myself, all packed away, sigh...

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Good idea with the dishcloths, love your TTS...and what a lovely lot of doileys...

Anonymous said...

i love and use knitted dishcloths they are fantastic,and congrats on your quilt finish and lovely ebay finds,well done

Teresa said...

I crochet my dishcloths as I find it much faster, but I have just finished a knitted one too. Love your doilies... what an absolute gorgeous assortment. Congratulations on your Tis the Season quilt top.. it looks wonderful and won't take you long to quilt it....

Fiona said...

I am completely besotted with home made dishcloths having been given a couple.... now they are the ongoing project I have for when I am needing not to look at what I am doing... like talking on Skype.... great doilies you found... I always look through them at op shops...

Teresa said...

I crochet my dish clothes as I find it faster, although I have just finished a knitted one. Love all your doilies... what a gorgeous assortment. Congratulations on getting your TTS quilt top finished.. looks great x

Michelle said...

I have knitted dish cloths in the past too, I really should make some more... Your version of Tis the Season looks fabulous and a great find with the doilies!

Sheila said...

I also love the knitted dishclothes , usually pick them up at church sales . The quilt is gorgeous Jeanette , beautiful job!! Great find on ebay too!

Wendy said...

Lovely doilies, I never find anything like that! Good for you on dishcloths. I've crocheted loads but never actually use them!

donna said...

I am trying to knit a wash cloth but I need lots of practice can not seem to get it down. Your doilies are great what a GREAT win on ebay.

Dayla said...

love the doilies, what have you got planned for them?
I have made a quilt out of them and 2 friends have too.
is the link to my blog if you would like to have a peak.

Linda said...

Gorgeous quilt!! What an awesome EBay find!!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oooo! Such pretty doilies! I have a whole box that were my grammies. I try not to open the box as it still has her "scent" and I want to save it as long as I can. ;)
xx, shell

Chookyblue...... said...

making great progress on your TTS......goodluck with the quilting........

rosie said...

Those doyleys are incredible.. I had a serious problem with envy fever!! I just love handmade wash cloths.. I have a knitted one on the go at all times, wouldn't go back to store ones..

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...