Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Things & a finish

Not a lot has been happening here. Little bits of stitching. I managed to get my self organised & readied 5 tops to be quilted. 4 were UFO's & the other was Tis The Season which i'd just put together. A while back i finished working on some stitcheries i started about a year ago for a project only to discover that i'd not allowed enough seam allowance between 2 of the stitcheries. I still found a use for the one with not enough seam allowance. I had intended this as a gift but wasn't happy with the end result so i gave it to my daughter.
Bronwyn Hayes pattern from her Miss Milly's Flower Patch book.
I've been working on the block to add to a crazy patchwork round robin with overseas friends. I can only give you a sneak peek.
Received a parcel from Shell. My yummy chocolates were soft as it's warmed up a bit here. Just realised i didn't take a photo of what was inside. Oh well next blog post.
Latest installment of Wanda Brunstetter's serial about Kentucky Brothers arrived last week. Another good read.
I've only had this yellow rose a few months & this is it's 2nd bloom. The purple rose hasn't done much but grow. :(
Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

Boy Jeanette you have been busy and i really love that yellow rose its so perfect

Melody said...

Lots of lovely sewing going on at your place.

Fiona said...

wow... 5 tops for quilting.... so great to get them to there... especially the UFO's that have been waiting.... I laughed at you giving to your daughter... I do that too with my 'mistakes' or experiments!!!
lovely rose... yellow is my happy colour...

Fee said...

5 Quilt Tops ! That's fantastic well done. Love your rose too.

Hugs - Fee X

Linda said...

5 quilts tops...amazing!!!! What a beautiful yellow rose! Hopefully the others will bloom soon! :-)

Allie said...

I am in AWE of how much you get done girl!!

Lisa said...

wow i wish i could stitch like you! really amazing..i never done much stitching/embroidery would love to do this more i think.hehe.

everything looks great.
p.s i hope you like what i made you your parcel is on its way.should arrive no later than friday.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

You have been busy....I have just started these books...they are good...

Sheila said...

Wonderful work Jeanette , great to get a sneak peak of the crazy patch block. The rose is gorgeous ,isn't that a pretty yellow.

rosie said...

My goodness, you must feel fantastic now that you have all those tops ready to be quilted!! Now you will be able to start something else!!!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Wow girlfriend! You've been on a roll! Woo hoo!
Sorry about your chocolates. I think I'm gonna have to find a different sneaky snack to send my friends. Poo! hee,hee,hee.
xx, shell

FlourishingPalms said...

Wish we were closer so I could quilt one of those tops for you. And as always, I'm grateful for your book-reading tip. I've been thinking of you this week. Beverly Lewis will be at a nearby Christian bookstore on Saturday. Wish you were here in Des Moines, Iowa!

Valspierssews said...

I can't imagine what it is like to have five quilt tops to finish. I haven't been very prolific this year. I love the Bronwyn Hayes stitchery. Can't wait to see what is in the parcel.

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...