Monday, September 22, 2014

Born in '64

This year i'm turning 50 & i'm borrowing an idea off a fellow blogger who is also turning 50. I'm thinking it would be lovely if any of my fellow bloggers who read this would be willing to send me signature blocks, 6-1/2" in size, any colour, pieced, EPP or applique. Use you favourite colour & no novelty prints please. All i ask is they have a plain piece that you can write your name & where you are from on it with either pigma pen or embroidered. Hopefully i can get enough to make a quilt but if not a wallhanging will be just as lovely. I'll email you my snail mail if you comment saying you are willing to make me a block. Thanks,

Happy Stitching,


Sandi said...

I think its a great idea Jeanette, I would love to contribute to your you have a particular colour (lights, brights, etc) that you would like? and what should we write on the fabric with - Pigmet pen? or should it be stitched?

Kim said...

Hi Jeanette I would love to make a block for you to celebrate your 50th.

KERYN B said...

Welcome to the club old girl - I'm in....

Susan said...

Happy to contribute - is next meeting OK?? or send me your address...

Chookyblue...... said...

Yes I would like to but give me more details..........running out the door to play with cows all day........

Tracy said...

Great idea Jeanette, I'm very happy to make you a block for your extra special birthday.

Melody said...

Great idea. I'd love to send you a block.

Terry said...

I'd love to send a block! I did this a few years ago and ended up with a small wall hanging. Even though I didn't get as many blocks as I had hoped for, I still love it! :0)

Unknown said...

Lovely idea Jeanette. I'd be delighted to make you one but you wouldn't receive it till Nov, would that be ok? Sharyn:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette i think this is a great idea,but i wont be able to do one until i get back from holidays so i wont be able to do one until November,is that okay.xx

Cheryll said...

Unfortunately I'm away for October too. Like Sharyn & Shez...I would love to send one to you IF November is OK...

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

I will totally make you a block for your birthday! Woo hoo! Oh....I also sent you a little surprise pressie last week. Hopefully you will get it soon.

Fiona said...

I'd love to do one..... when do you need it by?

Teresa said...

Fabulous idea xx

Maria said...

Would love to make a block for your special birthday.

Annette said...

I'd also love to help you celebrate 50 happy years by making you a block! Take care!

Noela said...

I'll join in too Jeanette. Will bring it to Sunday Stitchers. Hugs....

Anita : Shabby Quilt said...

lovely idea.
please send details .

Anthea said...

Hi Jeanette, I'd love to make you a block if you'll have me... what a wonderful idea for your special birthday x

Nini said...
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Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

I would love to do one as well .....xx

FlourishingPalms said...

Count me in, Jeanette! Oh, you're such a baby. 😄

Sheila said...

I'd be happy to make you a block , just tell me what you would like :-)

Jo Potter said...

Hi Jeanette,
I hope you have a lovely birthday!
I don't know how to do blocks, but I think it is a great idea!
Best Wishes,
Jo. xx

Jackie said...
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Wendy said...

I would love to send you a block for your quilt...and happy birthday!

Wendyb said...

I'm in too Jeanette....send me your snail mail and I'll send you a block! xox

Cactusneedle said...

I would also love to make a block if you can wait til at least October, maybe November. My sewing room has been gutted and is awaiting rebirth. :) I can christen my new room by making you a block.

Jackie said...
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Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...