Saturday, October 21, 2017

FNSI October

I was going to bind my quilt but then i remembered my daughter was booked in for dental surgery so that blew that plan out of the water. So it was just handwork for me last night
The light shining on the number 60 to 68 hexies for 100 days of hexies has made them look a terrible colour. I think i should give up taking photo's. I looked at them on the camera & they seemed a nice photo but when i loaded them onto the computer they looked wrong.

After that i did a repair job for a small boy.
He had asked me if i'd sew his pillow back together. The seam had come undone & i don't know if he'd lost some stuffing or not as it was only about 3/4 full. I pushed that down & added more stuffing so the pillow is nice & comfy now.

Next to do was to finish off this stitchery
All that was left after working on it during the week was the round berries & the border. Glad it's done. Now i can work on my Ruth's quilt stitcheries.

Pop over & visit our very lovely hostess Wendy to find links to who joined in FNSI last night to see what was worked on.



Michelle Ridgway said...

You had a busy night. I am a very 3rd rate photographer so looks good to me x

Susan said...

always good to have a variety of things to do - and a tick for getting "mending" thing I keep putting off!

Julie said...

A great variety of things to work on Jeanette. I find that with my photos too ... they look great on the camera until I download them !!

Maria said...

I seam to have trouble uploading photos too but they look okay.
Nice to do the repair job for the little boy...
Pretty stitching too....

Pamela said...

Nice variety of projects! I know what you mean about photos looking different from the camera to the computer.

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

You did a lot of fun stuff! my camera often annoys me... but your hexies still look lovely xx

Karen's Korner said...

A nice "rescue" on the cushion....looks good as new.

Allie-oops Designs said...

You did get a lot done! I have a terrible time with pics too, the colors never come out right. Love that cushion and your stitchery!

retdairyqueen said...

I have the same trouble with photos
Lots of lovely hexies there

kiwikid said...

The photos look fine to me...great repair job on the cushion! Beautiful stitchery.

Lin said...

Love your stitchery - hope the surgery went OK xx

Narelle said...

You were very productive...well done 😊

Mia said...

Oh you are a very busy lady! I love your hexagons and they look lovely onto the computer. I am sure your stitchery will turn out great. It is a beautiful design. Kisses!

Janet said...

You managed to get quite a bit done! How sweet that the little boy asked you to fix his pillow. :) I hope your daughter's surgery went well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette beautiful work as usual,hope your DD's moth is feeling ok now and love the littl pillow you mended so cute,well done my friend xx

Susie H said...

Love your hexies and your stitchery is very nice. I'm sure you got a lot of satisfaction when you repaired that pillow for a special fellow. That's what it's all about, right? ♥

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...