Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Prepping & EPP

Yesterday i traced out the stitcheries for Ruth's Quilt. The cat decided i needed very close suppurrvising.
I hadn't decided what colours i would do the quilt in until i went through my Cottage Garden Threads. I found exactly what i wanted
The fabrics will be in greens & pinks.

 After lunch i cut out the next 4 blocks in Round We Go BOM. They went together very quick as i finished them before bed
Now to wait for month 4. I hope it's an easy one too. 😊.

I went to the craft show today & picked up a quilt from Fiona. When i came home i put it on the lounge & decided to see if 2 quilt tops, backing & wadding would fit in the mail bag Fiona returned to me. I then sat it on top of the bag on the lounge. I go out & come back to this
Darn cat. Makes herself at home anywhere.

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

Ha Ha your cat is so funny Jeanette,she is always doing something funny.
Love the thread colour you have picked for Ruth's quilt,how lovely you got to catch up with Fiona xx

Goofin' Off Around the Block said...

Your cat appears to be a micro-manager. I think the manager approves of your work.

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

LOL! Love the kitties!!!! Very helpful, haha! xx

Fiona said...

haha, your manager and quality controller are doing well! It was so fun to catch up - usually we don't get a chance to chat at all... I love the thread you have chosen for the quilt - I think we need about 5 of those...


Janet said...

You have sweet kitties. That one climbed right inside the mailing bag! Love all your hand piecing. Great colours!

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...