Saturday, October 7, 2017

FNwF October

I was going to put the binding on my recently quilted top. I even dragged out fabrics to see what binding would look the best. But it was just a little to hot to be doing that. Instead i finished making up coffins
the last 26 to make 1000 of them. All that's left is the half coffins & the side pieces. As i'm not sure how many of those i'll need i'll make them up when the top is together.

After that it was onto some embroidery. I started this little one on Wednesday night & finished last night.
The pink/green combo is a little hard to see as it is very overcast here. Hopefully there will be rain as we badly need it.

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

Good morning Jeanette ,you did well thats a lot of coffin pieces you have done ,cant wait to see it being stitched up,well done my friend xx

Pamela said...

You've stitched up so many beautiful fabrics. I am also looking forward to seeing the coffins put together!

Karen's Korner said...

A great effort to get all those pieces done. Yep rain would be good.

Michell said...

A productive night

Julie said...

You did well Jeanette - you will be pleased. Love the stitchery it a variegated thread you are using??

Narelle said...

Is 'coffin' their real name?
Cute stitching... looks familiar 😉

Allie-oops Designs said...

Wow that's a lot of coffins - and no two alike, good heavens! I can't wait to see that one put together! Lovely stitching!

Anne Ida said...

Wonderful projects you have going there! That's a lot of coffins in that epp project, looking forward so seeing more of them put together. Love the little stitcheries.

Maria said...

Nice to get lots of EPP blocks ready and lovely to sit and do some stitching too.

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

Love the coffin shaped hexies, hopefully the embroidery will show better when you share the finished project.

Susan said...

Glad you got to your thousand - that's a lot of stitching to do....but easy once prepped. Hope you did get some rain...funny weather.

Janet said...

Wow you must feel very accomplished having finished making 1000 coffins!

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...