Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A finish & a flimsy

Finally managed to sit at my machine today. First thing to be done was finish this little stocking off from Gail Pan's Christmas BOM Merry & Bright.

 Back in 2017 i decided to join in with Sue Daley's Round We Go BOM. I chose to be a little different & made my EPP in Halloween fabrics. I got them out the other day ready to turn into a flimsy & discovered I'd only trimmed back about half the blocks. That took awhile to do today, then onto laying them out to see in what order I wanted to sew them in.

 Yay another project moved from partially done to a flimsy.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Table centre

Finally a finish. 😊😊. I can't remember when I stitched these little cupcakes but it was several years back. Last year I trimmed the cupcakes into the hexagon shape, found some backing fabric & back they went onto "finish one day pile". 

Yesterday was the day. I cut the background out & i found a precut wadding hexagon when I'd been cleaning my cutting table earlier. I remembered that my SIL had given me some wadding hexagons she cut out using bamboo wadding but she didn't like it. I crossed fingers that I hadn't used them all since I'd found that loose one. I found just enough.

Last night & some of this afternoon was spent sewing the centre together.

Pattern is by Michelle & is called cupcake table centre.                                                         

Happy stitching,                                                                                                                             

Saturday, May 16, 2020


Yesterday I joined lovely hostess Wendy for FNSI.

During the week I thought a lot about the blocks I trimmed last Friday & came to the conclusion that I didn't want more hangings. I need tablerunners more. Thursday i got them out to see how many i would need to use to fit my large table & found I'd miscounted & i had 24 blocks not 20. 12 blocks was too long so each runner would have 10 & i wiĺl find another use for the other 4. But what to do for the in between blocks ? I decided a 9 patch would work for me.

Friday morning i searched in my cupboard for a pack of fabrics I had stashed away. Not sure why i bought them but I think they originally were for the quilt as you go hexies.

I laid the blocks out on my bed to try & get an even mix of blocks as quite a lot of the blocks were sayings. I turned away for a moment & when I looked back I found this.
Guess she thought I hadn't pressed the blocks enough. 😊😊.

Several hours later all 9 patches made, some reverse sewing on one of the runners & voila, 2 runners made.
I'll bind one of them with pink & the other either blue or green. Thinking of the other 4 I might make a little table mat using the hexie quilt as you go method & fill the spaces in between the stitchery ones with plain fabric hexies. I had hoped there was enough 9 patches left over to make a small runner but there wasn't.

Moving onto another "old" ufo I pulled these out of a folder but after trimming a little I still don't know what I'll make with them as they are all different sizes. Bronwyn Hayes of Red Brolly included Brutus in a lot of her work & one year gave these ones out free but with no finished plan. Maybe I'll make a collection of Brutus cushions.

Come evening I finished the embroidery of the rr panel I was stitching last week. Now it can get into the mail & I just hope it doesn't take ages to get to the USA.
 Last thing before bedtime I got back to one of the Love & Hugs from Australia blocks.  I stitched the orange pieces & then put a few stitches into the dragonfly just as Inferno finished.

Pop over to Wendy's blog to see who joined in & what projects were worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, May 9, 2020

FNwF #2

Yesterday I joined in FNwF #2 with our hostess Cheryll.

First up I needed to get my block started for a round robin I'm participating in. I had a slow start as my pattern only just arrived. Theme is seasons & we could choose 2 or all 4. They could be 16" blocks or rows. I was going to go with individual blocks of the seasons but when searching the web for ideas I came across a pattern that gave me a smile. I've chosen to to have all 4 seasons for my hanging. I decided to start with winter as we are coming into that season & this pattern for a little light heartedness in these trying times.

 I spent time in the morning putting the block together as another "rule" was pieced background.

The afternoon/night was then spent stitching some of it down. I've not done buttonhole applique in ages so I think my vliesofix is a little old. Everything was attached nicely but when I went to start sewing I found quite a bit had started peeling free. 😔.

After that I got out these blocks I'd stitched many years ago & trimmed them up. I was looking at them last week trying to decide what to do with them. The original pattern was quilt as you go hexie bom to make a large quilt. I don't want to do the stitcheries as hexies. I didn't end up buying all the patterns so i only have 20 blocks. I think I'll go with a wall hanging. Either a 4 x 5 or a 4 by 4 & turn the other 4 into a small runner.

Also before I started on my RR piece I cut out background pieces for a block of the week of joined. It's run by Fig n Berry designs & comes out every Monday for 23 weeks. The choice is pdf or Lisa will send a paper copy with iron on transfer. I went with off & I've now traced to first 2.

I haven't started them because I've been stitching the Love and Hugs blocks, reading of doing puzzle books. I traced another 2 of those yesterday as well.

And if I get bored with all that I have these, which arrived yesterday, to entertain me.
 Righto I'm off to find a board to put one of them on.😁😁.

Pop over to visit Cheryll to find the links to who joined in last night & what projects they worked on.
Happy Stitching,

Saturday, May 2, 2020

FNwF May

Yesterday I joined in FNwF hosted by our lovely hostess Cheryll.

I started out early by finishing the top of Tail Feathers.

Final border on yay. Now it's official - it's a flimsy. 🎉🎉😊😊.

That done I was going to start another bonus project from the Christmas BOM & I said to myself "why don't you put the top together ?" "good idea me". In case you a wondering I quite often have conversation like this with myself. 🤣🤣.

November & December stitcheries needed to be framed

That done I went on to make the extra block Gail had provided so that the quilt had 25 blocks.

Hmm not to happy with it. This is the 2nd I made. The 1st I made I didn't read the instructions properly so I scrapped it & tried again. Followed instructions to a T & yet one of my points doesn't meet the border piece. I'll just have to live with it as I wasn't making a 3rd. It can be my "mistake".

So I proceed to get the top together & was thinking maybe I'd do the stitching border 1/4" inside borders like Gail did as for some reason I didn't do any of them when stitching the blocks or so I thought. Got the top together & as I was pressing it I noticed I'd done the first 3 blocks. Well darn. So now I'm puzzled as to why I never did the rest or remembered that I'd added the stitched border to month one's blocks. Now do I stitch the others or remove the stitching from the first 3 ?.

 Then into my fabric cupboard to hunt around for a large red piece for borders & couldn't find a piece large enough so I was thinking I'll either have to wait & buy something or maybe piece the big borders like they are around the stitcheries when I had a💡moment. My Mum had given me a large rolled up piece of red fabric that I thought would be perfect. Yay now I can finish the top into a flimsy. So happy as everything from this top came from my cupboard.

Then last night I stitched a little on this block from Love & Hugs from Australia.

Pop over here to find out who joined in last night & what lovely projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...