Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A finish & a flimsy

Finally managed to sit at my machine today. First thing to be done was finish this little stocking off from Gail Pan's Christmas BOM Merry & Bright.

 Back in 2017 i decided to join in with Sue Daley's Round We Go BOM. I chose to be a little different & made my EPP in Halloween fabrics. I got them out the other day ready to turn into a flimsy & discovered I'd only trimmed back about half the blocks. That took awhile to do today, then onto laying them out to see in what order I wanted to sew them in.

 Yay another project moved from partially done to a flimsy.

Happy Stitching,


Cheryll said...

Congrats on your flimsy...it looks fantastic.
And a lovely little stocking too...xox

Fiona said...

love the little stocking and your quilt top looks like a box of jewels....

Michelle Ridgway said...

Such a sweet little stocking and your flimsy looks great x

Maria said...

A cute little stocking and I do like the fabrics you used for the Round We Go BOM... Great to make a few UFos off the list...

Karen S said...

Well done getting the sweet stocking finished. And lovely to see the blocks now together in a flimsy. It looks great.

dq said...

Now this is a super fun Halloween quilt. It really doesn't jump out "Halloween" at you!

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