Saturday, May 2, 2020

FNwF May

Yesterday I joined in FNwF hosted by our lovely hostess Cheryll.

I started out early by finishing the top of Tail Feathers.

Final border on yay. Now it's official - it's a flimsy. 🎉🎉😊😊.

That done I was going to start another bonus project from the Christmas BOM & I said to myself "why don't you put the top together ?" "good idea me". In case you a wondering I quite often have conversation like this with myself. 🤣🤣.

November & December stitcheries needed to be framed

That done I went on to make the extra block Gail had provided so that the quilt had 25 blocks.

Hmm not to happy with it. This is the 2nd I made. The 1st I made I didn't read the instructions properly so I scrapped it & tried again. Followed instructions to a T & yet one of my points doesn't meet the border piece. I'll just have to live with it as I wasn't making a 3rd. It can be my "mistake".

So I proceed to get the top together & was thinking maybe I'd do the stitching border 1/4" inside borders like Gail did as for some reason I didn't do any of them when stitching the blocks or so I thought. Got the top together & as I was pressing it I noticed I'd done the first 3 blocks. Well darn. So now I'm puzzled as to why I never did the rest or remembered that I'd added the stitched border to month one's blocks. Now do I stitch the others or remove the stitching from the first 3 ?.

 Then into my fabric cupboard to hunt around for a large red piece for borders & couldn't find a piece large enough so I was thinking I'll either have to wait & buy something or maybe piece the big borders like they are around the stitcheries when I had a💡moment. My Mum had given me a large rolled up piece of red fabric that I thought would be perfect. Yay now I can finish the top into a flimsy. So happy as everything from this top came from my cupboard.

Then last night I stitched a little on this block from Love & Hugs from Australia.

Pop over here to find out who joined in last night & what lovely projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,


Cheryll said...

OMG Jeanette... you had a massive night... well done.
I LoVe the stained glass look by the log cabin blocks in Tail Feathers.
But of course all your projects are wonderful...xox

retdairyqueen said...

And a beautiful flimsy it is
Nice stitcheries too

loulee said...

Your Tail feathers and your Christmas stitcheries look great. Have fun with your Love and Hugs stitching.

Karen's Korner said...

WOW tail feathers is gorgeous. It is nice to be able to make an early start - you achieved so much.

Maria said...

The Tail Feathers is gorgeous and the Christmas stitcheries are lovely too.
Have fun with the Love and Hugs stitcheries...

Susan said...

love the light bulb moment/s...can't suggest anything about the 1/4" inside the border - but maybe decorate the points of the tree with a bell/button etc??

kiwikid said...

Well done on getting your flimsy finished , you have to feel good about that. Not sure what to say about the stitching, you have to go with what you feel is best. Not much help aye!! 😁 y9ur Christmas flimsy looks amazing. Great results from FNWF.

Allie said...

Jeanette that Tail Feathers is stunning! As is the Christmas quilt - wow you have kept your hands busy, girl! Well done!

Sam I Am...... said...

What lovely quilts and stitcheries! You really accomplished a lot! I love your Christmas quilt and so glad you were able to find border material. Your stitchery with the bunny is too cute! Have a great week!

Kaisievic said...

Wow! What a successful FNwFs you had - love your work.

Karen S said...

Great achievements in both pieces.
Your tail feathers does look lovely. A wonderful finish.
And well done getting on top of the GP stitcheries and quilt top, too. Another lovely finish.

Raewyn said...

Chatting to yourself certainly had a good effect as you got lots done! Well done on Tail Feathers and also well done on the Christmas quilt. Sometimes projects take me such a long time that I forget decisions I make early on!

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...