Saturday, June 13, 2020

FNwF #2

Despite almost forgetting it was Friday I did sit & do a little stitching for FNwF hosted by Cheryll.

Life has a way of throwing a curve ball at you & my mind just wasn't on stitching at all.
I'd started stitching the green Wednesday night at my Mum's. Got that finished last night & started the red before I gave up & went to bed.

Pop over to visit Cheryll & see the links to who joined in & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,


Cheryll said...

One stitch added is advancement... so well done.
Sometimes life just gets in the way of stitching...xox

Julie said...

That is a sweet little stitchery Jeanette. I find I cant concentrate on stitchery very well when things are on my mind too.

Fiona said...

Great stitching with you, even a few stitch's....


Maria said...

Always nice to join in even for awhile...

Karen's Korner said...

Any stitch is a stitch closer to the finish line. Take care.

Helen said...

Lovely pattern every stitch is a stitch closer to a finish.

Sharon Kwilter said...

Every little bit helps. I had a short night too.

Karen S said...

Always good to see progress no matter how small.

Susie H said...

Sometimes we're inspired to sew and sometimes we're not. You'll be motivated again and it will still be waiting for you, I'm sure!

FNwF March

 I was rather slack for FNwF. To concerned about that cyclone. I'm hoping that the winds won't affect me to greatly. Well i've p...